



Tag Name Details
actions PopoverActionsTagHelper
animation PopoverAnimationSettingsTagHelper
popover-body-template TemplateTagHelper


Attribute Type Description
name String Sets the name of the component.
as-child-component Boolean
for String The Id of element, for which the Popover is initialized.
deferred Boolean Suppress initialization script rendering. Note that this options should be used in conjunction with DeferredScripts method.
actions-layout String A value indicating how the actions buttons will be positioned. Possible values are: start; center; between; around or evenly.
body String Defines a kendo template that will be used as the card body inside the popover component.
body-handler String Defines a kendo template that will be used as the card body inside the popover component.
filter String Specifies a selector for the elements within the container which will display the Popover.
is-in-client-template Boolean When placing a Tag Helper within a Kendo Template, set the type to text/html and add the is-in-client-template="true" attribute.
has-client-component Boolean
header String Defines a kendo template that will be used as the card header inside the popover component.
header-handler String Defines a kendo template that will be used as the card header inside the popover component.
height Double The height (in pixels) of the Popover.
offset Double Specifies the offset (in pixels) between the Popover and the anchor. Тhe offset is rendered from the callout arrow.
on-hide String Fires when a Popover is hidden.
on-show String Fires when a Popover is shown.
position String The position that is relative to the target element at which the Popover will be shown.The supported values are: bottom; top; left; right or center.
sanitize-id Boolean
show-on String The event on which the Popover will be shown.The supported values are: mouseenter; click or focus.
toggle-on-click Boolean Defines a value indicating whether the popover will show/hide only when clicking on the target element.
width Double The width (in pixels) of the Popover.
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