

    <messages />
    <sortable />


Tag Name Details
messages PivotConfiguratorMessagesSettingsTagHelper
pivot-datasource PivotDataSourceTagHelper
sortable PivotConfiguratorSortableSettingsTagHelper


Attribute Type Description
name String Sets the name of the component.
datasource-id String The Id of the data source.
filterable Boolean If set to true the user will be able to filter by using the field menu.
height Double The height of the PivotConfigurator. Numeric values are treated as pixels.
script-attributes IDictionary<String,Object>
is-in-client-template Boolean When placing a Tag Helper within a Kendo Template, set the type to text/html and add the is-in-client-template="true" attribute.
deferred Boolean Suppress initialization script rendering. Note that this options should be used in conjunction with DeferredScripts method.
as-child-component Boolean
as-module Boolean
has-client-component Boolean
sanitize-id Boolean
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