



Attribute Type Description
name String Sets the name of the component.
as-child-component Boolean
container String Selector that determines the container to which boundaries the hint movement will be constrained.
cursor-offset-left Double Specifies the offset of the hint relative to the mouse cursor/finger. By default, the hint is initially positioned on top of the draggable source offset.
cursor-offset-top Double Specifies the offset of the hint relative to the mouse cursor/finger. By default, the hint is initially positioned on top of the draggable source offset.
group String Used to group sets of draggable and drop targets. A draggable with the same group value as a drop target will be accepted by the drop target.
deferred Boolean Suppress initialization script rendering. Note that this options should be used in conjunction with DeferredScripts method.
is-in-client-template Boolean When placing a Tag Helper within a Kendo Template, set the type to text/html and add the is-in-client-template="true" attribute.
as-module Boolean
auto-scroll Boolean If set to true the widget will auto-scroll the container when the mouse/finger is close to the top/bottom of it.
axis DraggableAxis Represents the Draggable widget Axis
distance Double The required distance that the mouse should travel in order to initiate a drag.
filter String Selects child elements that are draggable if a widget is attached to a container.
has-client-component Boolean
hint String Provides a way for customization of the drag indicator. If a function is supplied, it receives one argument - the draggable element's jQuery object.
hold-to-drag Boolean Suitable for touch oriented user interface, in order to avoid collision with the touch scrolling gesture. When set to true, the widget will be activated after the user taps and holds the finger on the element for a short amount of time.The draggable will also be activated by pressing, holding and lifting the finger without any movement. Dragging it afterwards will initiate the drag immediately. The activated mode can be canceled by calling cancelHold.
ignore String Specifies child elements for which the drag will not be initialized. Useful if the draggable contains input elements.
is-enabled Boolean Attribute initializator for the Kendo Draggable.
on-drag String Fired while dragging. The drag event represents a jQuery mousemove event and contains all the event data of the jQuery Event Object.
on-dragcancel String Fired when item drag is canceled by pressing the Escape key. The dragcancel event represents a jQuery keyup event and contains all the event data of the jQuery Event Object.
on-dragend String Fired when item drag ends. The dragend event represents a jQuery mouseup event and contains all the event data of the jQuery Event Object.
on-dragstart String Fired when item drag starts. The dragstart event represents a jQuery mousedown event and contains all the event data of the jQuery Event Object.
on-hold String Triggered only when holdToDrag is set to true. Fired before the dragStart event. The hold event represents a jQuery mousedown event and contains all the event data of the jQuery Event Object.
sanitize-id Boolean
script-attributes IDictionary<String,Object>
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