AutoBaseUnitSteps - StockChartNavigatorCategoryAxisAutoBaseUnitStepsSettings
The seconds unit steps.
AxisCrossingValue - Object[]
Background - String
BaseUnitStep - Nullable
Categories - Object[]
Color - String
Crosshair - StockChartNavigatorCategoryAxisCrosshairSettings
The color of the crosshair. Accepts a valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.
Field - String
Justified - Nullable
Labels - StockChartNavigatorCategoryAxisLabelsSettings
The background color of the labels. Accepts a valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.
Line - StockChartNavigatorCategoryAxisLineSettings
The color of the lines. Accepts a valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.
MajorGridLines - StockChartNavigatorCategoryAxisMajorGridLinesSettings
The color of the major grid lines. Accepts a valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.
MajorTicks - StockChartNavigatorCategoryAxisMajorTicksSettings
The color of the category axis major ticks lines. Accepts a valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.
Max - Object
MaxDateGroups - Nullable
MaxDivisions - Nullable
Min - Object
MinorGridLines - StockChartNavigatorCategoryAxisMinorGridLinesSettings
The color of the minor grid lines. Accepts a valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.
MinorTicks - StockChartNavigatorCategoryAxisMinorTicksSettings
The color of the category axis minor ticks lines. Accepts a valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.
PlotBands - List
Reverse - Nullable
RoundToBaseUnit - Nullable
Title - StockChartNavigatorCategoryAxisTitleSettings
The background color of the title. Accepts a valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.
Visible - Nullable
WeekStartDay - Nullable
Notes - StockChartNavigatorCategoryAxisNotesSettings
The position of the category axis note. "top" - The note is positioned on the top.; "bottom" - The note is positioned on the bottom.; "left" - The note is positioned on the left. or "right" - The note is positioned on the right..
BaseUnit - Nullable
Type - Nullable
StockChart - StockChart
The field containing the point date. It is used as a default categoryField for all series.The data item field value must be either: Date instance; String parsable by new Date([field value]) or String in ASP.NET JSON format, i.e. "\/Date(1320825600000-0800)\/".
Serialize current instance to Dictionary