EventHeight - Object
ColumnWidth - Nullable
MinorTickCount - Nullable
MajorTick - Nullable
StartTime - Nullable
EndTime - Nullable
WorkDayStart - Nullable
WorkDays - Int32[]
WorkDayEnd - Nullable
ShowWorkHours - Nullable
WorkDayCommand - Boolean
Footer - Boolean
WorkWeekStart - Nullable
WorkWeekEnd - Nullable
GroupHeaderTemplate - String
GroupHeaderTemplateId - String
GroupHeaderTemplateHandler - String
DateHeaderTemplate - String
DateHeaderTemplateId - String
DateHeaderTemplateHandler - String
MajorTimeHeaderTemplate - String
MajorTimeHeaderTemplateId - String
MajorTimeHeaderTemplateHandler - String
SlotTemplate - String
SlotTemplateId - String
SlotTemplateHandler - String
Scheduler - IScheduler
Title - String
Type - SchedulerViewType
Editable - SchedulerViewEditableSettings
Group - SchedulerGroupSettings
The configuration of the scheduler resource(s). A scheduler resource is optional metadata that can be associated with a scheduler event.