DataSource - DataSource
The number of available pages.
DataSourceId - String
ClientRowTemplate - String
ClientRowTemplateHandler - String
ClientAltRowTemplate - String
ClientAltRowTemplateHandler - String
ClientDetailTemplateHandler - String
ClientDetailTemplateId - String
ClientDetailTemplate - String
Width - String
Height - String
AutoGenerateColumns - Boolean
Editable - GridEditableSettings
ToolBar - GridToolBarSettings
ContextMenu - GridContextMenuSettings
Gets the client events of the context menu.
Selectable - GridSelectableSettings
Filterable - GridFilterableSettings
Scrollable - GridScrollableSettings
Pageable - GridPageableSettings
Gets or sets the AlwaysVisible property
Resizable - GridResizableSettings
Reorderable - GridReorderableSettings
Messages - GridMessages
Columns - IList
VisibleColumns - IList
EnableCustomBinding - Boolean
Mobile - MobileMode
Size - ComponentSize
PrefixUrlParameters - Boolean
EditorHtml - String
AllowCopy - GridAllowCopySettings
Changes the delimeter between the items on the same row. Use this option if you want to change the default TSV format to CSV - set the delimeter to comma ','.
AllowPaste - Nullable
AutoBind - Nullable
ColumnResizeHandleWidth - Nullable
ColumnMenu - GridColumnMenuSettings
If set to true the column menu would allow the user to fit one or all columns to the width of their content. This setting is available only when the tabbed componentType is used.
EncodeTitles - Nullable
Excel - GridExcelSettings
If set to true the grid will export all pages of data. By default the grid exports only the current page.
Groupable - GridGroupableSettings
When set to false grouping is considered disabled.
Navigatable - Nullable
NoRecords - GridNoRecordsSettings
The template which is rendered when current view contains no records.
Pdf - GridPdfSettings
Exports all grid pages, starting from the first one.
PersistSelection - Nullable
Search - GridSearchSettings
The fields by which the grid will search
Sortable - GridSortableSettings
If set to true the user can get the grid in unsorted state by clicking the sorted column header.
StatusBarTemplate - String
StatusBarTemplateId - String
StatusBarTemplateHandler - String
LoaderType - Nullable
Events - IDictionary
Id - String
SanitezeId - Boolean
Initializer - IJavaScriptInitializer
IsInClientTemplate - Boolean
IsSelfInitialized - Boolean
HasDeferredInitialization - Boolean
HtmlAttributes - IDictionary
HtmlHelper - IHtmlHelper
ModelMetadataProvider - IModelMetadataProvider
Name - String
Explorer - ModelExplorer
Selector - String
IdPrefix - String
ViewContext - ViewContext
ValueProvider - IValueProvider
UrlGenerator - IUrlGenerator
HtmlEncoder - HtmlEncoder
HasClientComponent - Boolean
UseMvvmInitialization - Boolean
writer - System.IO.TextWriter
Serialize current instance to Dictionary
Renders the component.
Writes the deferred styes.
writer - System.IO.TextWriter
The writer.