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Actions - GanttMessagesActionsSettings

The text similar to "Add child" displayed as Gantt "add child" buttons.

Cancel - String

DeleteDependencyConfirmation - String

DeleteDependencyWindowTitle - String

DeleteTaskConfirmation - String

DeleteTaskWindowTitle - String

Destroy - String

Editor - GanttMessagesEditorSettings

The text similar to "Assign" displayed in Gantt task editor.

PlannedTasks - GanttMessagesPlannedTasksSettings

The text that would be displayed on the switch allowing the user to turn on and off the PlannedTasks view in the Gantt Timeline.

Save - String

SelectView - String

Views - GanttMessagesViewsSettings

The text similar to "Day" displayed as Gantt "day" view title.

Gantt - Gantt

If set to false the widget will not bind to the data source during initialization. In this case data binding will occur when the change event of the data source is fired. By default the widget will bind to the data source specified in the configuration.



Serialize current instance to Dictionary

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