SecurityTrimming - SecurityTrimming
Authorization - INavigationItemAuthorization
Animation - PopupAnimation
Items - IList
DataTextFieldArray - List
DataSource - DataSource
The number of available pages.
DataSourceId - String
ItemAction - Action
ValueArray - IEnumerable
AutoBind - Nullable
AutoClose - Nullable
AutoWidth - Nullable
CheckAll - Nullable
CheckAllTemplate - String
CheckAllTemplateId - String
CheckAllTemplateHandler - String
Checkboxes - DropDownTreeCheckboxesSettings
Indicates whether checkboxes of child items should get checked when the checkbox of a parent item is checked. This also enables tri-state checkboxes with an indeterminate state.
ClearButton - Nullable
DataImageUrlField - String
DataSpriteCssClassField - String
DataTextField - String
DataUrlField - String
DataValueField - String
Delay - Nullable
Enable - Nullable
EnforceMinLength - Nullable
FilterLabel - String
FooterTemplate - String
FooterTemplateId - String
FooterTemplateHandler - String
Label - DropDownTreeLabelSettings
Sets the inner HTML of the label.
Height - String
IgnoreCase - Nullable
LoadOnDemand - DropDownTreeLoadOnDemandSettings
The component calls the valueMapper function when the component receives a value, that is not fetched from the remote server yet. The component will pass the selected value(s) in the valueMapper function. In turn, the valueMapper implementation should return the respective data item(s) ids.
Messages - DropDownTreeMessagesSettings
The text message when hovering the clear button.
MinLength - Nullable
NoDataTemplate - String
NoDataTemplateId - String
NoDataTemplateHandler - String
Placeholder - String
Popup - DropDownTreePopupSettings
Defines a jQuery selector that will be used to find a container element, where the popup will be appended to.
HeaderTemplate - String
HeaderTemplateId - String
HeaderTemplateHandler - String
ValueTemplate - String
ValueTemplateId - String
ValueTemplateHandler - String
TagMode - Nullable
Template - String
TemplateId - String
TemplateHandler - String
Text - String
Value - String
ValuePrimitive - Nullable
Filter - Nullable
Size - Nullable
Rounded - Nullable
FillMode - Nullable
AdaptiveMode - Nullable
Events - IDictionary
Id - String
SanitezeId - Boolean
Writer - IJavaScriptWriter
Initializer - IJavaScriptInitializer
IsInClientTemplate - Boolean
IsSelfInitialized - Boolean
HasDeferredInitialization - Boolean
HtmlAttributes - IDictionary
ScriptAttributes - IDictionary
HtmlHelper - IHtmlHelper
ModelMetadataProvider - IModelMetadataProvider
Name - String
Explorer - ModelExplorer
Selector - String
IdPrefix - String
ViewContext - ViewContext
ValueProvider - IValueProvider
UrlGenerator - IUrlGenerator
HtmlEncoder - HtmlEncoder
HasClientComponent - Boolean
UseMvvmInitialization - Boolean
Serialize current instance to Dictionary
writer - System.IO.TextWriter
Renders the component.
Writes the deferred styes.
writer - System.IO.TextWriter
The writer.