Panes - List
Closeable - Nullable
Content - String
ContentHandler - ClientHandlerDescriptor
A Razor template delegate.
Dockable - DockManagerRootPanePaneDockableSettings
Specifies if the pane is docked. Available only for panes of type content.
Header - String
HeaderHandler - ClientHandlerDescriptor
A Razor template delegate.
Id - String
Orientation - String
Selected - Nullable
Size - String
TabHeader - String
TabHeaderHandler - ClientHandlerDescriptor
A Razor template delegate.
Title - String
Type - String
Unpinnable - DockManagerRootPanePaneUnpinnableSettings
Specifies if the pane is unpinned. Available only for panes of type content.
Visible - Nullable
DockManager - DockManager
Defines the root pane configuration.
Serialize current instance to Dictionary