Aggregates - ChartSeriesAggregateSettings
Specifies the aggregate function to apply for the Close field.
Data - IEnumerable
Type - String
AutoFit - Nullable
Axis - String
Border - ChartSeriesBorderSettings
The color of the border. Accepts a valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb. By default it is set to color of the current series.
CategoryAxis - String
CategoryField - String
CloseField - String
Color - String
ColorHandler - ClientHandlerDescriptor
A Razor template delegate.
ColorField - String
Connectors - ChartSeriesConnectorsSettings
The color of the connector. Accepts a valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.
CurrentField - String
DashType - Nullable
DownColor - String
DownColorHandler - ClientHandlerDescriptor
A Razor template delegate.
DownColorField - String
DrilldownField - String
DrilldownSeriesFactory - ClientHandlerDescriptor
A Razor template delegate.
SegmentSpacing - Nullable
SummaryField - String
NeckRatio - Nullable
DynamicSlope - Nullable
DynamicHeight - Nullable
ErrorBars - ChartSeriesErrorBarsSettings
The error bars value.The following value types are supported: "stderr" - the standard error of the series values will be used to calculate the point low and high value; "stddev(n)" - the standard deviation of the series values will be used to calculate the point low and high value. A number can be specified between the parentheses, that will be multiplied by the calculated standard deviation.; "percentage(n)" - a percentage of the point value; A number that will be subtracted/added to the point value; An array that holds the low and high difference from the point value or A function that returns the errorBars point value.
ErrorLowField - String
ErrorHighField - String
XErrorLowField - String
XErrorHighField - String
YErrorLowField - String
YErrorHighField - String
ExplodeField - String
Field - String
For - String
FromField - String
ToField - String
Trendline - ChartSeriesTrendlineSettings
The trendline forecast settings. By default, the trendline does not display a forecast.
NoteTextField - String
LowerField - String
Q1Field - String
Median - ChartSeriesMedianSettings
The color of the median visual. Accepts a valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.
MedianField - String
Q3Field - String
UpperField - String
Mean - ChartSeriesMeanSettings
The color of the mean visual. Accepts a valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.
MeanField - String
OutliersField - String
Gap - Nullable
HighField - String
Highlight - ChartSeriesHighlightSettings
The border of the highlighted chart series. The color is computed automatically from the base point color.
HoleSize - Nullable
Labels - ChartSeriesLabelsSettings
The template which renders the ARIA label for the series labels.The fields which can be used in the template are: category - the category name. Available for area, bar, column, bubble, donut, line and pie series.; dataItem - the original data item used to construct the point. Will be null if binding to array.; percentage - the point value represented as a percentage value. Available only for 100% stacked charts.; series - the data series or value - the point value. Can be a number or object containing each bound field..
LegendItem - ChartSeriesLegendItemSettings
Sets the configuration of the legend items of type area. By default, all series except line and scatter use this legend type.
Line - ChartSeriesLineSettings
Gets or sets the line width.
LowField - String
Margin - Nullable
Markers - ChartSeriesMarkersSettings
The background color of the series markers.
Outliers - ChartSeriesOutliersSettings
The background color of the series outliers.
Extremes - ChartSeriesExtremesSettings
The background color of the series outliers.
MaxSize - Nullable
MinSize - Nullable
Name - String
NegativeColor - String
NegativeValues - ChartSeriesNegativeValuesSettings
The color of the chart negative bubble values.
Opacity - Nullable
OpenField - String
Overlay - ChartSeriesOverlaySettings
Specifies the series gradient.
Padding - Nullable
Size - Nullable
SizeField - String
Spacing - Nullable
Stack - ChartSeriesStackSettings
Indicates that the series should be stacked in a group with the specified name.
StartAngle - Nullable
TargetField - String
Target - ChartSeriesTargetSettings
The border of the target.
Tooltip - ChartSeriesTooltipSettings
The background color of the tooltip. Accepts a valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.
Visible - Nullable
VisibleInLegend - Nullable
VisibleInLegendField - String
Visual - ClientHandlerDescriptor
A Razor template delegate.
Whiskers - ChartSeriesWhiskersSettings
The color of the whiskers.
Width - Nullable
XAxis - String
XField - String
YAxis - String
YField - String
Notes - ChartSeriesNotesSettings
The icon of the notes.
ZIndex - Nullable
Aggregate - Nullable
AggregateHandler - ClientHandlerDescriptor
A Razor template delegate.
MissingValues - Nullable
Style - Nullable
Chart - Chart
The common settings for all Chart series.
Serializes the settings to a Dictionary.