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Provides a way to specify a custom editing UI for the column. Use the container parameter to create the editing UI.


value - System.String

The value that configures the editor.


The field to which the column is bound. The value of this field is displayed by the column during data binding. The field name should be a valid Javascript identifier and should contain no spaces, no special characters, and the first character should be a letter.


expression - System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<Func>

The expression that specifies the field, based on the bound model.


The width of the column. Numeric values are treated as pixels. For more important information, please refer to Column Widths.


value - System.Int32

The value that configures the width.


If set to true and if filtering is enabled, a filter menu will be displayed for this column. If set to false, the filter menu will not be displayed. By default, a filter menu is displayed for all columns when filtering is enabled through the filterable option. Can be set to a JavaScript object which represents the filter menu configuration.


configurator - System.Action<TreeListColumnFilterableSettingsBuilder>

The configurator for the filterable setting.


If set to true and if filtering is enabled, a filter menu will be displayed for this column. If set to false, the filter menu will not be displayed. By default, a filter menu is displayed for all columns when filtering is enabled through the filterable option. Can be set to a JavaScript object which represents the filter menu configuration.


enabled - System.Boolean

Enables or disables the filterable option.



templateName - System.String


The HTML attributes of the table cell (<td>) that is rendered for the column.


value - System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<String,Object>

The value for HtmlAttributes


The HTML attributes of the table cell (<td>) that is rendered for the column.


value - System.Object

The value for HtmlAttributes


The configuration of the column commands. If set, the column will display a button for every command. Commands can be custom or built-inThe built-in commands are: edit - Switches the current table row to edit mode. Supports the inline and popup edit modes.; createChild- Adds a new child item to the current table row and switches to edit mode. or destroy - Removes the data item to which the current table row is bound.. Custom commands are supported by specifying the click option.


configurator - System.Action<TreeListColumnCommandFactory>

The configurator for the command setting.


If set to true a draghandle will be rendered and the user could reorder the rows by dragging the row via the drag handle.


value - System.Boolean

The value for Draggable


If set to true a draghandle will be rendered and the user could reorder the rows by dragging the row via the drag handle.


The JavaScript function that is executed when the cell or row is about to be opened for editing. The returned result will determine whether an editor for the column will be created.


handler - System.String

The name of the JavaScript function that will be evaluated.


The JavaScript function that is executed when the cell or row is about to be opened for editing. The returned result will determine whether an editor for the column will be created.


handler - System.Func<Object,Object>

The handler code wrapped in a text tag.


If set to true, the column value will be HTML-encoded before it is displayed. If set to false, the column value will be displayed as is. By default, the column value is HTML-encoded.


value - System.Boolean

The value for Encoded


If set to true, the column will show the icons that are used for expanding and collapsing child rows. By default, the first column of the TreeList is expandable.


value - System.Boolean

The value for Expandable


If set to true, the column will show the icons that are used for expanding and collapsing child rows. By default, the first column of the TreeList is expandable.


The field to which the column is bound. The value of this field is displayed by the column during data binding.


value - System.String

The value for Field


The template which renders the footer table cell for the column.The following fields can be used in the template: average - The value of the average aggregate (if specified).; count - The value of the count aggregate (if specified).; max - The value of the max aggregate (if specified).; min - The value of the min aggregate (if specified). or sum - The value of the sum aggregate (if specified)..


value - System.String

The value for FooterTemplate


The template which renders the footer table cell for the column.The following fields can be used in the template: average - The value of the average aggregate (if specified).; count - The value of the count aggregate (if specified).; max - The value of the max aggregate (if specified).; min - The value of the min aggregate (if specified). or sum - The value of the sum aggregate (if specified)..


templateId - System.String

The ID of the template element for FooterTemplate


The template which renders the footer table cell for the column.The following fields can be used in the template: average - The value of the average aggregate (if specified).; count - The value of the count aggregate (if specified).; max - The value of the max aggregate (if specified).; min - The value of the min aggregate (if specified). or sum - The value of the sum aggregate (if specified)..


templateView - Microsoft.AspNetCore.Html.IHtmlContent

The view that contains the template for FooterTemplate


The template which renders the footer table cell for the column.The following fields can be used in the template: average - The value of the average aggregate (if specified).; count - The value of the count aggregate (if specified).; max - The value of the max aggregate (if specified).; min - The value of the min aggregate (if specified). or sum - The value of the sum aggregate (if specified)..


templateHandler - System.String

The handler that returs the template for FooterTemplate


The template which renders the footer table cell for the column.The following fields can be used in the template: average - The value of the average aggregate (if specified).; count - The value of the count aggregate (if specified).; max - The value of the max aggregate (if specified).; min - The value of the min aggregate (if specified). or sum - The value of the sum aggregate (if specified)..


template - TemplateBuilder<TModel>

A Template component that configures the footertemplate.


The format that is applied to the value before it is displayed. Takes the {0:format} form where format is a standard number format, custom number format, standard date format or a custom date format.


value - System.String

The value for Format


The HTML attributes of the table header cell (<th>) that is rendered for the column.


value - System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<String,Object>

The value for HeaderAttributes


The HTML attributes of the table header cell (<th>) that is rendered for the column.


value - System.Object

The value for HeaderAttributes


The template which renders the column header content. By default, the value of the title column option is displayed in the column header cell.


value - System.String

The value for HeaderTemplate


The template which renders the column header content. By default, the value of the title column option is displayed in the column header cell.


templateId - System.String

The ID of the template element for HeaderTemplate


The template which renders the column header content. By default, the value of the title column option is displayed in the column header cell.


templateView - Microsoft.AspNetCore.Html.IHtmlContent

The view that contains the template for HeaderTemplate


The template which renders the column header content. By default, the value of the title column option is displayed in the column header cell.


templateHandler - System.String

The handler that returs the template for HeaderTemplate


The template which renders the column header content. By default, the value of the title column option is displayed in the column header cell.


template - TemplateBuilder<TModel>

A Template component that configures the headertemplate.


The pixel screen width below which the column will be hidden. The setting takes precedence over the hidden setting and the two cannot not be used at the same time.


value - System.Double

The value for MinScreenWidth


If set to true the treelist will render a select column with checkboxes in each cell, thus enabling multi-row selection. The header checkbox allows users to select/deselect all the rows on the current page.


value - System.Boolean

The value for Selectable


If set to true the treelist will render a select column with checkboxes in each cell, thus enabling multi-row selection. The header checkbox allows users to select/deselect all the rows on the current page.


If set to true and sorting is enabled, the user can click the column header and sort the TreeList by the column field. If set to false, sorting will be disabled for this column. By default, all columns are sortable if sorting is enabled though the sortable option.


configurator - System.Action<TreeListColumnSortableSettingsBuilder>

The configurator for the sortable setting.


If set to true and sorting is enabled, the user can click the column header and sort the TreeList by the column field. If set to false, sorting will be disabled for this column. By default, all columns are sortable if sorting is enabled though the sortable option.


enabled - System.Boolean

Enables or disables the sortable option.


The template which renders the column content. The TreeList renders table rows (<tr>) which represent the data source items. Each table row consists of table cells (<td>) which represent the TreeList columns. By default, the HTML-encoded value of the field is displayed in the column.


value - System.String

The value for Template


The template which renders the column content. The TreeList renders table rows (<tr>) which represent the data source items. Each table row consists of table cells (<td>) which represent the TreeList columns. By default, the HTML-encoded value of the field is displayed in the column.


templateId - System.String

The ID of the template element for Template


The template which renders the column content. The TreeList renders table rows (<tr>) which represent the data source items. Each table row consists of table cells (<td>) which represent the TreeList columns. By default, the HTML-encoded value of the field is displayed in the column.


templateView - Microsoft.AspNetCore.Html.IHtmlContent

The view that contains the template for Template


The template which renders the column content. The TreeList renders table rows (<tr>) which represent the data source items. Each table row consists of table cells (<td>) which represent the TreeList columns. By default, the HTML-encoded value of the field is displayed in the column.


templateHandler - System.String

The handler that returs the template for Template


The template which renders the column content. The TreeList renders table rows (<tr>) which represent the data source items. Each table row consists of table cells (<td>) which represent the TreeList columns. By default, the HTML-encoded value of the field is displayed in the column.


template - TemplateBuilder<TModel>

A Template component that configures the template.


The text that is displayed in the column header cell. If not set, the TreeList uses field.


value - System.String

The value for Title


The width of the column. Numeric values are treated as pixels.


value - System.String

The value for Width


If set to true, the TreeList will not display the column. By default, all columns are displayed.


value - System.Boolean

The value for Hidden


If set to true, the TreeList will not display the column. By default, all columns are displayed.


If set to true, the TreeList will select all child rows upon parent row selection when checkbox selection is used.


value - System.Boolean

The value for IncludeChildren


If set to true, the TreeList will select all child rows upon parent row selection when checkbox selection is used.

If set to true, the TreeList will display the column in the column menu. By default, the column menu includes all data-bound columns, that is, the ones with a set field option.


value - System.Boolean

The value for Menu


If set to true, the TreeList will display the column as locked (frozen).


value - System.Boolean

The value for Locked


If set to true, the TreeList will display the column as locked (frozen).


If set to false, the column will remain in that side of the TreeList where its own locked configuration placed it.


value - System.Boolean

The value for Lockable

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