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Tag Name Details
controls MapControlsSettingsTagHelper
layer-defaults MapLayerDefaultsSettingsTagHelper
layers MapLayersTagHelper
marker-defaults MapMarkerDefaultsSettingsTagHelper
markers MapMarkersTagHelper


Attribute Type Description
name String Sets the name of the component.
as-child-component Boolean
has-client-component Boolean
deferred Boolean Suppress initialization script rendering. Note that this options should be used in conjunction with DeferredScripts method.
is-in-client-template Boolean When placing a Tag Helper within a Kendo Template, set the type to text/html and add the is-in-client-template="true" attribute.
center Double[] The map center. Coordinates are listed as [Latitude, Longitude].
max-zoom Double The maximum zoom level. Typical web maps use zoom levels from 0 (whole world) to 19 (sub-meter features).
min-size Double The size of the map in pixels at zoom level 0.
min-zoom Double The minimum zoom level. Typical web maps use zoom levels from 0 (whole world) to 19 (sub-meter features).
on-before-reset String Fired immediately before the map is reset. This event is typically used for cleanup by layer implementers.
on-click String Fired when the user clicks on the map.
on-marker-activate String Fired when a marker has been displayed and has a DOM element assigned.
on-marker-click String Fired when a marker has been clicked or tapped.
on-marker-created String Fired when a marker has been created and is about to be displayed. Cancelling the event will prevent the marker from being shown.Use markerActivate if you need to access the marker DOM element.
on-pan String Fired while the map viewport is being moved.
on-pan-end String Fires after the map viewport has been moved.
on-reset String Fired when the map is reset. This typically occurs on initial load and after a zoom/center change.
on-shape-click String Fired when a shape is clicked or tapped.
on-shape-created String Fired when a shape is created, but is not rendered yet.
on-shape-feature-created String Fired when a GeoJSON Feature is created on a shape layer.
on-shape-mouse-enter String Fired when the mouse enters a shape.
on-shape-mouse-leave String Fired when the mouse leaves a shape.
on-zoom-end String Fired when the map zoom level has changed.
on-zoom-start String Fired when the map zoom level is about to change. Cancelling the event will prevent the user action.
pannable Boolean Controls whether the user can pan the map.
sanitize-id Boolean
wraparound Boolean Specifies whether the map should wrap around the east-west edges.
zoom Double The initial zoom level.Typical web maps use zoom levels from 0 (whole world) to 19 (sub-meter features).The map size is derived from the zoom level and minScale options: size = (2 ^ zoom) * minSize
zoomable Boolean Controls whether the map zoom level can be changed by the user.
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