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    <exportable />
    <filterable />
    <sortable />


Tag Name Details
column-editor-template TemplateTagHelper
columns GridNestedColumnsTagHelper
column-template TemplateTagHelper
commands GridColumnCommandsTagHelper
exportable GridColumnExportableSettingsTagHelper
filterable GridColumnFilterableSettingsTagHelper
groupable GridColumnGroupableSettingsTagHelper
sortable GridColumnSortableSettingsTagHelper


Attribute Type Description
aggregates String[] The aggregate(s) which are calculated when the grid is grouped by the columns field. The supported aggregates are "average", "count", "max", "min" and "sum". Use this setting to set the column aggregates when using an external DataSource.
column-menu Boolean If set to false the column menu will not be rendered for the specific column.
draggable Boolean Makes the column draggable or not. By default the columns are not draggable.
editable String Sets the JavaScript function executed when the cell/row is about to be opened for edit. The result returned will determine whether an editor for the column will be created.
editor String Sets the JavaScript function that can be used to specify a custom editing UI for the column. Use the container parameter to create the editing UI..
encoded Boolean If set to true the column value will be HTML-encoded before it is displayed. If set to false the column value will be displayed as is. By default the column value is HTML-encoded.
field String The field to which the column is bound. The value of this field is displayed in the column's cells during data binding. Only columns that are bound to a field can be sortable or filterable. The field name should be a valid Javascript identifier and should contain only alphanumeric characters (or "$" or "_"), and may not start with a digit.
footer-html-attributes IDictionary<String,Object> Sets the HTML attributes applied to the footer cell of the column.
footer-template String Sets the client footer template for the column.
footer-template-handler String Sets the client footer template for the column.
format String Gets or sets the format for displaying the data.
groupable Boolean Enables or disables grouping by that column. All bound columns are groupable by default.
group-footer-template String Sets the client group footer template for the column.
group-footer-template-handler String Sets the client group footer template for the column.
group-footer-template-view IHtmlContent Sets the client group footer template for the column.
group-header-column-template String Sets the client group header column template for the column.
group-header-column-template-handler String Sets the client group header column template for the column.
group-header-template String Sets the client group template for the column.
group-header-template-handler String Sets the client group template for the column.
group-header-template-view IHtmlContent Sets the client group template for the column.
header-html-attributes IDictionary<String,Object> Sets the HTML attributes applied to the header cell of the column.
header-template String Sets the header template for the column. If sorting is enabled, the template content wrapper must have a k-link CSS class.
header-template-handler String Sets the header template for the column. If sorting is enabled, the template content wrapper must have a k-link CSS class.
hidden Boolean Makes the column hidden or not. By default all columns are not hidden. Hidden columns are rendered in the output HTML but are hidden.
hide-on-group Boolean If set to true the column will be hidden when the grid is groupd via user interaction. The column will be displayed again if interaction to ungroup by it is performed.
html-attributes IDictionary<String,Object> The html attributes handler.
html-attributes-handler String The html attributes handler.
include-in-menu Boolean Specifies whether the columns should be included in column header menu. By default all columns are included. The column also need to have a Title set in order to be included in the menu.
lockable Boolean If set to false the column will remain in the side of the grid into which its own locked configuration placed it.
locked Boolean Makes the column static. By default all columns are not locked.
media String Sets the media query condition that needs to be satisfied for a column to remain visible.
menu Boolean If set to true the column will be visible in the grid column menu. By default the column menu includes all data-bound columns (ones that have their field set).
min-resizable-width Int32 The pixel screen width below which the user will not be able to resize the column via the UI.
min-screen-width Int32 Sets the minimum screen width in pixels at which the column will become hidden.
resizable Boolean If set to false the column will become non-resizable, while all the other columns remaining resizable in the the grid component. In order for this property to work, grid's resizable functionality must be enabled.
selectable Boolean If set to true the grid will render a select column with checkboxes in each cell, thus enabling multi-row selection. The header checkbox allows users to select/deselect all the rows on the current page.
stickable Boolean Makes the column stickable. By default all columns are not stickable.
sticky Boolean Makes the column sticky. By default all columns are not sticky.
template String Sets the client template for the column.
template-handler String Sets the handler function that returns the client template for the column.
template-view IHtmlContent Sets the client template for the column.
title String Sets the title displayed in the header of the column. Any HTML entities or tags should be encoded, or use a HeaderTemplate instead.
visible Boolean Makes the column visible or not. By default all columns are visible. Invisible columns are not rendered in the output HTML.
width Int32 Sets the width of the column in pixels.
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