

    <grid />
    <messages />



nameStringSets the name of the component.
focus-firstBooleanSpecifies if the first editor of the form will be focused on initialization.
deferredBooleanSuppress initialization script rendering. Note that this options should be used in conjunction with DeferredScripts method.
is-in-client-templateBooleanWhen placing a Tag Helper within a Kendo Template, set the type to text/html and add the is-in-client-template="true" attribute.
buttons-templateStringSpecifies the template which is used for rendering the Form buttons.
buttons-template-handlerStringSpecifies the template which is used for rendering the Form buttons.
buttons-template-idStringSpecifies the template which is used for rendering the Form buttons.
buttons-template-viewIHtmlContentSpecifies the template which is used for rendering the Form buttons.
clear-buttonBooleanSpecifies if the clearButton should be rendered on initialization.
format-labelStringCallback function that could be used to change the default format of the automatically generated labels.
form-dataObjectProvides the data model of the Form. The widget renders the form fields based on their data type, unless the items option is specified.
layoutStringSpecify the layout of Form content. Valid options are: grid: This is equivalent to display: grid. It defines the form element as a grid container and establishes a new grid formatting context for its contents..
on-changeStringTriggered when the form model is updated.
on-clearStringTriggered when the form is cleared.
on-submitStringTriggered when the form is submitted.
on-validateStringFired when the validation of the entire form completes.
on-validate-fieldStringFired when the validation state of a field changes.
orientationStringConfigures the Form orientation. Available options are "horizontal" and "vertical".By default, the Form is rendered with vertical orientation.
sizeComponentSizeSets a value controlling the size of the input.
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