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Attribute Type Description
content-type String The content-type HTTP header sent to the server. Use "application/json" if the content is JSON. Refer to the jQuery.ajax documentation for further info.
data String The type of data that you're expecting back from the server. Commonly used values are "json" and "jsonp". Refer to the jQuery.ajax documentation for further info.
data-type String The type of data that you're expecting back from the server. Commonly used values are "json" and "jsonp". Refer to the jQuery.ajax documentation for further info.
type String The type of request to make ("POST", "GET", "PUT" or "DELETE"), default is "POST". Refer to the jQuery.ajax documentation for further info.
url String The remote url to call when fetching list of items.
url-handler String The remote url to call when fetching list of items.
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