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    <connectors />
    <fill />
    <rotation />
    <stroke />


Tag Name Details
connector-defaults DiagramShapeConnectorDefaultsSettingsTagHelper
connectors DiagramShapeConnectorsTagHelper
content DiagramConnectionContentSettingsTagHelper
editable DiagramConnectionDefaultsEditableSettingsTagHelper
fill DiagramConnectionDefaultsEndCapFillSettingsTagHelper
hover DiagramConnectionDefaultsHoverSettingsTagHelper
rotation DiagramShapeDefaultsRotationSettingsTagHelper
stroke DiagramConnectionDefaultsEndCapStrokeSettingsTagHelper


Attribute Type Description
height Double Defines the height of the shape when added to the Diagram.
id String The unique identifier for a Shape. The id value is used to identify shapes in connection configurations. The connection to and from properties usually point to shape id values.
min-height Double Defines the minimum height the shape should have, that is, it cannot be resized to a value smaller than the given one.
min-width Double Defines the minimum width the shape should have, that is, it cannot be resized to a value smaller than the given one. See example at shapes.minHeight.
path String The path option of a Shape is a description of a custom geometry. The format follows the standard SVG format ( "SVG Path data.").
source String The source of the shape image. Applicable when the type is set to "image".
type String Specifies the type of the Shape using any of the built-in shape type. "rectangle" - The default option; "circle" - A circle/ellipse or "image" - An image.
visual String A function returning a visual element to render for this shape. For more information, refer to visual.
width Double Defines the width of the shape when added to the Diagram.
x Double Defines the x-coordinate of the shape when added to the Diagram. Does not take effect if the Diagram is using a pre-defined layout.
y Double Defines the y-coordinate of the shape when added to the Diagram. Does not take effect if the Diagram is using a pre-defined layout. You can see an example at shapes.x
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