name |
String |
Sets the name of the component. |
as-child-component |
Boolean |
data-source-id |
String |
The Id of the data source. |
deferred |
Boolean |
Suppress initialization script rendering. Note that this options should be used in conjunction with DeferredScripts method. |
is-in-client-template |
Boolean |
When placing a Tag Helper within a Kendo Template, set the type to text/html and add the is-in-client-template="true" attribute. |
align-to-anchor |
Boolean |
Specifies that ContextMenu should be shown aligned to the target or the filter element if specified. |
append-to |
String |
The DOM element to which the ContextMenu will be appended. The element needs to be relatively positioned. |
close-on-click |
Boolean |
Specifies that sub menus should close after item selection (provided they won't navigate). |
copy-anchor-styles |
Boolean |
Copies and uses the styles from the anchor. |
data-content-field |
String |
Sets the field of the data item that provides the content of the ContextMenu items. |
data-image-url-field |
String |
Sets the field of the data item that provides the image url of the ContextMenu items. |
data-sprite-css-class-field |
String |
Sets the field of the data item that provides the sprite css class of the ContextMenu items. |
data-text-field |
String |
Sets the field of the data item that provides the text of the ContextMenu items. |
data-url-field |
String |
Sets the field of the data item that provides the url of the ContextMenu items. |
direction |
ContextMenuDirection |
Represents the menu item opening direction. |
filter |
String |
Specifies ContextMenu filter selector - the ContextMenu will only be shown on items that satisfy the provided selector. |
has-client-component |
Boolean |
hover-delay |
Double |
Specifies the delay in ms before the sub menus are opened/closed - used to avoid accidental closure on leaving. |
on-activate |
String |
Fires when a sub menu or the ContextMenu gets opened and its animation finished. |
on-close |
String |
Fires before a sub menu or the ContextMenu gets closed. You can cancel this event to prevent closure. |
on-data-bound |
String |
Fires when the ContextMenu is bound to the set DataSource. |
on-deactivate |
String |
Fires when a sub menu or the ContextMenu gets closed and its animation finished. |
on-open |
String |
Fires before a sub menu or the ContextMenu gets opened. You can cancel this event to prevent opening the sub menu. |
on-select |
String |
Fires when a menu item gets selected. |
orientation |
ContextMenuOrientation |
Specifies the orientation in which the menu items will be ordered |
popup-collision |
String |
Specifies how ContextMenu should adjust to screen boundaries. By default the strategy is "fit" for a sub menu with a horizontal parent or the root menu, meaning it will move to fit in screen boundaries in all directions, and "fit flip" for a sub menu with vertical parent, meaning it will fit vertically and flip over its parent horizontally. You can also switch off the screen boundary detection completely if you set the popupCollision to false. |
sanitize-id |
Boolean |
security-trimming |
Boolean |
show-on |
String |
Specifies the event or events on which ContextMenu should open. By default ContextMenu will show on contextmenu event on desktop and hold event on touch devices. Could be any pointer/mouse/touch event, also several, separated by spaces. |
target |
String |
Specifies the element on which ContextMenu should open. The default element is the document body. |