

    <chart-value-axis-labels-border />
    <chart-value-axis-labels-margin />
    <chart-value-axis-labels-padding />
    <chart-value-axis-labels-rotation />


Tag NameDetails


backgroundStringThe background color of the labels. Accepts a valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.
colorStringThe text color of the labels. Accepts a valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.
fontStringThe font style of the labels. Accepts a valid CSS color string, for example "20px 'Courier New'".
formatStringThe format used to display the labels. Uses kendo.format. Contains one placeholder ("{0}") which represents the category value.
mirrorBooleanIf set to true the chart will mirror the axis labels and ticks. If the labels are normally on the left side of the axis, mirroring the axis will render them to the right.
positionChartAxisLabelsPositionSpecifies the position of the labels.
skipDoubleThe number of labels to skip. By default no labels are skipped.
stepDoubleLabel rendering step. Every n-th label is rendered where n is the step
templateStringThe template which renders the labels.The fields which can be used in the template are: value - the value value.
template-handlerStringThe template which renders the labels.The fields which can be used in the template are: value - the value value.
template-idStringThe template which renders the labels.The fields which can be used in the template are: value - the value value.
template-viewIHtmlContentThe template which renders the labels.The fields which can be used in the template are: value - the value value.
visibleBooleanIf set to true the chart will display the value axis labels. By default the category axis labels are visible.
visualStringA function that can be used to create a custom visual for the labels. The available argument fields are: createVisual - a function that can be used to get the default visual.; culture - the default culture (if set) on the label; format - the default format of the label; options - the label options.; rect - the kendo.geometry.Rect that defines where the visual should be rendered.; sender - the chart instance (may be undefined).; text - the label text. or value - the category value.
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