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Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core Accessibility Compliance

Here you can download the latest version of the VPAT Template, describing the Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core accessibility compliance state.

The following table lists the Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core components which support accessibility and keyboard navigation options.

Component Section 508 WCAG 2.1 Accessibility Example
ActionSheet Yes AA Demo
AIPrompt Yes AA N/A
AppBar Yes AA Demo
AutoComplete Yes AA Demo
Avatar Yes AA Demo
BarCode Yes AAA Demo
BottomNavigation Yes AA Demo
Breadcrumb Yes AA Demo
Button Yes AA Demo
ButtonGroup Yes AA Demo
Calendar Yes AA Demo
Captcha Yes AA Demo
Charts Yes AA Demo
Chat Yes AA Demo
CheckBox Yes AA N/A
CheckBoxGroup Yes AA Demo
CircularGauge Yes AA Demo
ComboBox Yes AA Demo
ColorGradient Yes AA Demo
ColorPalette Yes AA Demo
ColorPicker Yes AA Demo
DateInput Yes AA Demo
DatePicker Yes AA Demo
DateTimePicker Yes AA Demo
Diagram Yes AA Demo
Dialog Yes AA Demo
Drawer Yes AA Demo
DropDownButton Yes AA N/A
DropDownList Yes AA Demo
DropDownTree* Yes AA Demo
Editor Yes AA Demo
ExpansionPanel Yes AA Demo
FileManager Yes AA Demo
Filter Yes AA Demo
FlatColorPicker Yes AA Demo
FloatingActionButton Yes AA Demo
Form Yes AA Demo
Gantt Yes AA Demo
Grid Yes AA Demo
ImageEditor Yes AA Demo
LinearGauge Yes AA Demo
ListBox Yes AA Demo
ListView Yes AAA Demo
Loader Yes AA Demo
Map Yes AA Demo
MaskedTextbox Yes AA Demo
MediaPlayer No N/A Demo
Menu Yes AA Demo
MultiColumnComboBox Yes AA Demo
MultiSelect Yes AA Demo
Notification Yes AA Demo
NumericTextbox Yes AA Demo
OrgChart Yes AA Demo
Pager Yes AA Demo
PanelBar Yes AA Demo
PivotGrid No N/A N/A
PivotGridV2 No N/A N/A
PopOver Yes AA Demo
PropertyGrid Yes AA Demo
QRCode Yes AAA Demo
RadialGauge Yes AA Demo
RadioButton Yes AA N/A
RadioGroup Yes AA Demo
Responsive Panel Yes AA N/A
ScrollView Yes AA Demo
Scheduler Yes AA Demo
Slider Yes AA Demo
SplitButton Yes AA N/A
Splitter Yes AA Demo
Spreadsheet Yes AA Demo
Stepper Yes AA Demo
Switch Yes AA Demo
TabStrip Yes AA Demo
TaskBoard Yes AA Demo
TextArea Yes AAA Demo
TextBox Yes AA Demo
TileLayout Yes AAA Demo
TimeLine Yes AA Demo
TimePicker Yes AA Demo
TimeDurationPicker Yes AA N/A
ToolBar Yes AA Demo
Tooltip Yes AA Demo
TreeList Yes AA Demo
TreeView Yes AA Demo
Upload Yes AA Demo
Window Yes AA Demo
Wizard Yes AA Demo

The DropDownTree widget will be identified as not compliant to the WAI-ARIA spec when tested with static HTML analyzer if there is no selection in the widget and the placeholder configuration is not used. That is because the DropDownTree wrapper element, which has role="listbox" will not contain any option elements. That should be considered a known limitation in the widget. Detailed information on the scenario could be found in this GitHub issue.

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