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Q2 2015 Changes and Dependencies

This article explains the manual changes required when upgrading to Telerik Reporting Q2 2015 (

Standalone Report Designer

TRDX files created by the Standalone Report Designer contain XML version

Label Connectors for Bar Series

If your chart uses BarSeries, note that the newly introduced label connectors are visible by default. The above is applicable for both Cartesian and Polar coordinate systems.

ASP.NET WebAPI REST Report Service implementation changes

ServiceStack REST Report Service implementation changes


WPF Report Viewer Dependencies

The viewer is build with Telerik UI Controls for WPF 2015.2.623.40. If you are using a newer version consider adding binding redirects. For more information see: How to Add report viewer to a WPF .NET Framework project.

Silverlight Report Viewer Dependencies

The viewer is build with Telerik UI Controls for Silverlight 2015.2.623.1050.


CubeDataSource Dependencies

If you are using CubeDataSource, the version of your Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient should be or later.

HTML5 Report Viewer Dependencies

The HTML5 Report Viewer depends on the following libraries:

  • Telerik Kendo UI (2013.2.918 or later)
  • jQuery (1.9.1 or later)

HTML5 ASP.NET Web Forms Report Viewer Dependencies

The HTML5 ASP.NET Web Forms Report Viewer depends on the following libraries:

  • The control is built on and requires ASP.NET 4 Web Forms or newer framework.
  • Telerik Kendo UI (2013.2.918 or later)
  • jQuery (1.9.1 or later)

ASP.NET WebAPI REST Report Service Dependencies

The ASP.NET WebAPI REST Report Service requires the following assemblies:

  • Microsoft ASP.NET Web API (4.0.20710.0 or later)
  • Newtonsoft.Json ( or later)
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