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Intro to Telerik Testing Framework's HTML Control Element Wrappers Suite
Telerik Framework includes an extensive suite of strongly typed HTML element wrappers that abstracts out actions and verifications of the controls contained on the webpage. With the classes contained in the control suite you can do things like:
nextPageButton.Click() instead of Actions.Click(nextPageButton)
Assert.IsTrue(textBox.Text.Equals("foo")) instead of Assert.IsTrue(element.GetAttribute("value").Equals("foo"))
In addition there are many other features that make the abstraction even more powerful. Here is a list off all the wrapper classes currently available along with the properties and methods they expose:
HTML Control | Description | Properties | Methods | Base Class |
HtmlAnchor | Wraps access to a HTML <a> anchor element. | HRef Name Target Title |
HtmlContainerControl | |
HtmlButton | Wraps access to a HTML <button> element. | Disabled
Name TabIndex Valuee |
HtmlContainerControl | |
HtmlDefinitionDescription | Wraps access to a HTML <dd /> element . This control is used by the HtmlDefinitionList control. | Description | HtmlContainerControl | |
HtmlDefinitionList | Wraps access to a HTML <dl> element. | Descriptions Terms |
HtmlContainerControl | |
HtmlDefinitionTerm | Wraps access to a HTML <dt> element. This control is used by the HtmlDefinitionList control. | Terms | HtmlContainerControl | |
HtmlDiv | Wraps access to a HTML <div> container element. | HtmlContainerControl | ||
HtmlForm | Wraps access to a HTML <form> element. | EncType Length Name Target |
HtmlContainerControl | |
HtmlImage | Wraps access to a HTML <image> element. | Align Alt Border Height Src Width |
HtmlControl | |
HtmlInputButton | Wraps access to a HTML <input type=button> element. | Align Alt Border Height Src Width |
HtmlInputControl | |
HtmlInputCheckBox | Wraps access to a HTML <input type=checkbox> element. | Checked | Check | HtmlInputControl |
HtmlInputFile | Wraps access to a HTML <input type=file> element. | FilePath | Upload | HtmlInputControl |
HtmlInputHidden | Wraps access to a HTML <input type=hidden> element. | HtmlInputControl | ||
HtmlInputImage | Wraps access to a HTML <input type=image> element. | Align Alt Border Height Src Width |
HtmlInputControl | |
HtmlInputPassword | Wraps access to a HTML <input type=password> element. | Disabled
Size TabIndex Text |
HtmlInputControl | |
HtmlInputRadioButton | Wraps access to a HTML <input type=radio> element. | Cheched | Check | HtmlInputControl |
HtmlInputReset | Wraps access to a HTML <input type=reset> element. | Align Alt Border Height Src Width |
HtmlInputControl | |
HtmlInputSubmit | Wraps access to a HTML <input type=submit> element. | Align Alt Border Height Src Width |
HtmlInputControl | |
HtmlInputText | Wraps access to a HTML <input type=text> element. | Disabled Size TabIndex Text |
HtmlInputControl | |
HtmlListItem | Wraps access to a HTML <li> element. This control is used by the HtmlOrdererList control and the HtmlUnorderedList control. | GetItemOrder | HtmlContainerControl | |
HtmlOption | Wraps access to a HTML <option> element which is a member of a select element. | Selected Text Value |
HtmlControl | |
HtmlOrderedList | Wraps access to a HTML <ol>. | AllItems Itemst |
HtmlContainerControl | |
HtmlSelect | Wraps access to a HTML <select> list box or drop-down list element. | Options SelectedIndex SelectedOption this[] |
SelectByIndex SelectByText SelectByValue SelectByPartialText SelectByPartialValue MultiSelect MultiSelectByValue MultiSelectByText |
HtmlContainerControl |
HtmlSpan | Wraps access to a HTML <span> inline text container element. | HtmlContainerControl | ||
HtmlTable | Wraps access to a HTML <table> table element containing rows and columns. | AllRows BodyRows Border Caption CellPadding CellSpacing ColumnCount FootRows HeadRows Rows this[] Width |
HtmlContainerControl | |
HtmlTableCell | Wraps access to a HTML <td> table cell element. | Align BgColor BorderColor CellIndex ColSpan Height RowSpan Text VAlign Width/td> |
HtmlContainerControl | |
HtmlTableRow | Wraps access to a HTML <tr> element. | Align BgColor BorderColor Cells RowIndex Text this[] |
HtmlContainerControl | |
HtmlTextArea | Wraps access to a HTML <textArea> text input element. | Cols Rows Text |
HtmlContainerControl | |
HtmlUnorderedList | Wraps access to a HTML <ul> element. | AllItems Items |
HtmlContainerControl |
Base Class | Description | Properties | Methods | Base Class |
HtmlContainerControl | Base class for all wrapper controls that can contain other controls. | Find InnerText TextContent |
HtmlControl | |
HtmlInputControl | Base class for all input wrapper controls. | Name Type Value |
HtmlControl | |
HtmlControl | Base class for the entire HTML wrapper control suite. | Attributes ChildNodes ClientSideLocator CssClass Events ID ScrollLeft ScrollTop Styles TagName Wait |
AddEventListener CallMethod Capture Click Download DragTo DragToWindowLocation GetComputedStyle GetComputedStyleValue GetRectangle GetStyle GetStyleValue GetValue InvokeEvent IsVisible MouseClick MouseHover Parent(T) RemoveEventListener ScrollToVisible SetValue |
Control |
Control | Root base class for all WebAii controls. | BaseElement IsRefresh Locator LocatorExpression OwnerBrowser Terms |
AssignElement GetFamilyElement MatchControl Refresh |
HtmlContainerControl |
Base Class | Description | Properties | Methods | Base Class |
HtmlFind | An extended Find class that includes HTML specific find methods. | Table TableCell TableRowt |
Find | |
HtmlStyle | Represents a single HtmlStyle. This object can be used to help probe and do validation against Html styles. Has functionality to convert unit styles to int values and color styles to System.Drawing.Color. | Name Value |
IsColor IsInt (static) IsSameColor ToColor (static) ToHtmlColor ToInt |
Name Value |
HtmlWait | An extended Wait class that includes HTML specific wait methods. | ForCondition ForExists ForStyles ForStylesNot ForVisible ForVisibleNot |
Wait |