
Configures the series data labels.



Configuration Attributes

ariaTemplate java.lang.String

The template which renders the ARIA label for the series labels.The fields which can be used in the template are: category - the category name. Available for area, bar, column, bubble, donut, line and pie series.; dataItem - the original data item used to construct the point. Will be null if binding to array.; percentage - the point value represented as a percentage value. Available only for 100% stacked charts.; series - the data series or value - the point value. Can be a number or object containing each bound field..


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem-labels ariaTemplate="ariaTemplate">

background java.lang.String

The background color of the labels.


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem-labels background="background">

color java.lang.String

The text color of the labels.


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem-labels color="color">

font java.lang.String

The font style of the labels.


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem-labels font="font">

format java.lang.String

The format of the labels.


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem-labels format="format">

margin java.lang.Object

The margin of the labels.


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem-labels margin="margin">

padding java.lang.Object

The padding of the labels.


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem-labels padding="padding">

position java.lang.String

Defines the position of the labels.


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem-labels position="position">

template java.lang.String

The template which renders the chart series label.The fields which can be used in the template are: category - the category name. Available for area, bar, column, bubble, donut, line and pie series.; dataItem - the original data item used to construct the point. Will be null if binding to array.; percentage - the point value represented as a percentage value. Available only for 100% stacked charts.; series - the data series or value - the point value. Can be a number or object containing each bound field..


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem-labels template="template">

visible boolean

The visibility of the labels.


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem-labels visible="visible">

Configuration JSP Tags


The border of the labels.

More documentation is available at kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem-labels-border.



Event Attributes

ariaTemplate String

The template which renders the ARIA label for the series labels.The fields which can be used in the template are: category - the category name. Available for area, bar, column, bubble, donut, line and pie series.; dataItem - the original data item used to construct the point. Will be null if binding to array.; percentage - the point value represented as a percentage value. Available only for 100% stacked charts.; series - the data series or value - the point value. Can be a number or object containing each bound field..


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem-labels ariaTemplate="handle_ariaTemplate">
    function handle_ariaTemplate(e) {
        // Code to handle the ariaTemplate event.

template String

The template which renders the chart series label.The fields which can be used in the template are: category - the category name. Available for area, bar, column, bubble, donut, line and pie series.; dataItem - the original data item used to construct the point. Will be null if binding to array.; percentage - the point value represented as a percentage value. Available only for 100% stacked charts.; series - the data series or value - the point value. Can be a number or object containing each bound field..


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem-labels template="handle_template">
    function handle_template(e) {
        // Code to handle the template event.

Event Tags


The template which renders the ARIA label for the series labels.The fields which can be used in the template are: category - the category name. Available for area, bar, column, bubble, donut, line and pie series.; dataItem - the original data item used to construct the point. Will be null if binding to array.; percentage - the point value represented as a percentage value. Available only for 100% stacked charts.; series - the data series or value - the point value. Can be a number or object containing each bound field..


            function(e) {
                // Code to handle the ariaTemplate event.


The template which renders the chart series label.The fields which can be used in the template are: category - the category name. Available for area, bar, column, bubble, donut, line and pie series.; dataItem - the original data item used to construct the point. Will be null if binding to array.; percentage - the point value represented as a percentage value. Available only for 100% stacked charts.; series - the data series or value - the point value. Can be a number or object containing each bound field..


            function(e) {
                // Code to handle the template event.
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