
Defines the text of the command buttons that are shown within the Grid. Used primarily for localization.



Configuration Attributes

expandCollapseColumnHeader java.lang.String

Allows the customization of the text in the column header for the expand or collapse columns. Sets the value to make the widget compliant with the web accessibility standards.


<kendo:grid-messages expandCollapseColumnHeader="expandCollapseColumnHeader">

filterCellTitle java.lang.String

The text that will be used for the title attribute of all filter cells belonging to a filter row in the Grid.


<kendo:grid-messages filterCellTitle="filterCellTitle">

groupingHeaderLabel java.lang.String

The text that will be used for the aria-lable attribute of the grouping header of the Grid.


<kendo:grid-messages groupingHeaderLabel="groupingHeaderLabel">

noRecords java.lang.String

Defines the text of the "noRecords" option that is rendered when no records are available in current view. The "noRecords" options should be set to true.


<kendo:grid-messages noRecords="noRecords">

toolbarLabel java.lang.String

The text that will be used for the aria-lable attribute of the ToolBar of the Grid.


<kendo:grid-messages toolbarLabel="toolbarLabel">

Configuration JSP Tags


Defines the text of the command buttons that are shown within the Grid. Used primarily for localization.

More documentation is available at kendo:grid-messages-commands.


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