selectable.checkboxSelection Boolean (default: false)

When set to true, the grid.selectable will not be initialized. Should be enabled when both checkbox selection for the Grid and cell aggregates are required.


<div id="grid"></div>
  columns: [
    { selectable: true },
    { field: "name" },
    { field: "age" }
  dataSource: {
      data: [
          { id: 1, name: "Jane Doe", age: 30 },
          { id: 2, name: "John Doe", age: 33 }
      schema: {
          model: {
              id: "id"
  selectable: {
    mode: "multiple, row",
    cellAggregates: true,
    checkboxSelection: true
  statusBarTemplate: ({aggregates}) => `Count: ${aggregates.count}, Sum: ${aggregates.sum}`
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