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Glyphs Reference Sheet

This article lists all available glyphs from the TelerikWebUI font along with their names, number and string values. For more information about the glyphs, see the Glyphs Overview help article.

The glyphs marked with * in the last column were introduced with the R2 2022 release of the suite.

With the release of the Windows 11 theme, you can use the TelerikFluentIcons font to apply an alternative font to glyphs. To apply it, set the Font property of the RadGlyph element to "TelerikFluentIcons".

TelerikFluentIcons Glyph TelerikWebUI Glyph Glyph Name Glyph number Glyph string value Is New?
Navigation and Layout
GlyphArrow45UpRight e000 
GlyphArrow45DownRight e001 
GlyphArrow45DownLeft e002 
GlyphArrow45UpLeft e003 
GlyphArrow60Up e004 
GlyphArrow60Right e005 
GlyphArrow60Down e006 
GlyphArrow60Left e007 
GlyphArrowUpward e008 
GlyphArrowForward e009 
GlyphArrowDownward e00A 
GlyphArrowBackward e00B 
GlyphArrowDouble60Up e00C 
GlyphArrowDouble60Right e00D 
GlyphArrowDouble60Down e00E 
GlyphArrowDouble60Left e00F 
GlyphArrowsKpi e010 
GlyphArrowsNoChange e011 
GlyphArrowOverflowDown e012 
GlyphArrowChevronUp e013 
GlyphArrowChevronRight e014 
GlyphArrowChevronDown e015 
GlyphArrowChevronLeft e016 
GlyphArrowUp e017 
GlyphArrowRight e018 
GlyphArrowDown e019 
GlyphArrowLeft e01A 
GlyphArrowDrill e01B 
GlyphArrowParent e01C 
GlyphArrowRoot e01D 
GlyphArrowsResizing e01E 
GlyphArrowsDimensions e01F 
GlyphArrowsSwap e020 
GlyphDragAndDrop e021 
GlyphCategorize e022 
GlyphGrid e023 
GlyphGridLayout e024 
GlyphGroup e025 
GlyphUngroup e026 
GlyphHandlerDrag e027 
GlyphLayout e028 
GlyphLayout1By4 e029 
GlyphLayout2By2 e02A 
GlyphLayoutSideBySide e02B 
GlyphLayoutStacked e02C 
GlyphColumns e02D 
GlyphRows e02E 
GlyphReorder e02F 
GlyphMenu e030 
GlyphMoreVertical e031 
GlyphMoreHorizontal e032 
GlyphOverlap e033  *
GlyphHome e034  *
GlyphHeight e035 &e035; *
GlyphWidth e036  *
GlyphMaxHeight e037  *
GlyphMaxWidth e038  *
GlyphMinHeight e039  *
GlyphMinWidth e03a  *
GlyphMargin e03b  *
GlyphMarginTop e03c  *
GlyphMarginRight e03d  *
GlyphMarginBottom e03e  *
GlyphMarginLeft e03f  *
GlyphPadding e040  *
GlyphPaddingTop e041  *
GlyphPaddingRight e042  *
GlyphPaddingBottom e043  *
GlyphPaddingLeft e044  *
GlyphBorderStyle e045  *
GlyphBorderStyleTop e046  *
GlyphBorderStyleRight e047  *
GlyphBorderStyleBottom e048  *
GlyphBorderStyleLeft e049  *
GlyphBorderRadius e04a  *
GlyphBorderRadiusTopRight e04b  *
GlyphBorderRadiusBottomRight e04c  *
GlyphBorderRadiusBottomLeft e04d  *
GlyphBorderRadiusTopLeft e04e  *
GlyphOutlineWidth e04f  *
GlyphOutlineOffset e050  *
GlyphBoxSizing e051  *
GlyphPositionTop e052  *
GlyphPositionRight e053  *
GlyphPositionBottom e054  *
GlyphPositionLeft e055  *
GlyphDisplayBlock e056  *
GlyphDisplayInlineBlock e057  *
GlyphDisplayFlex e058  *
GlyphDisplayInlineFlex e059  *
GlyphGapColumn e05a  *
GlyphGapRow e05b  *
GlyphHandleResizeAlt e05c  *
GlyphHandleResize e05d  *
GlyphChevronDoubleUp e05е &#xe05е; *
GlyphChevronDoubleRight e05f  *
GlyphChevronDoubleBottom e060  *
GlyphChevronDoubleLeft e061  *
Action e100
GlyphUndo e100 
GlyphRedo e101 
GlyphReset e102 
GlyphReload e103 
GlyphNonRecurrence e104 
GlyphResetSmall e105 
GlyphReloadSmall e106 
GlyphClock e107 
GlyphCalendar e108 
GlyphSave e109 
GlyphPrint e10A 
GlyphEdit e10B 
GlyphDelete e10C 
GlyphAttachment e10D 
GlyphAttachment45 e10E 
GlyphLinkHorizontal e10F 
GlyphUnlinkHorizontal e110 
GlyphLinkVertical e111 
GlyphUnlinkVertical e112 
GlyphLock e113 
GlyphUnlock e114 
GlyphCancel e115 
GlyphCancelOutline e116 
GlyphCancelCircle e117 
GlyphCheck e118 
GlyphCheckOutline e119 
GlyphCheckCircle e11A 
GlyphClose e11B 
GlyphCloseOutline e11C 
GlyphCloseCircle e11D 
GlyphPlus e11E 
GlyphPlusOutline e11F 
GlyphPlusCircle e120 
GlyphMinus e121 
GlyphMinusOutline e122 
GlyphMinusCircle e123 
GlyphSortAsc e124 
GlyphSortDesc e125 
GlyphUnsort e126 
GlyphSortAscSmall e127 
GlyphSortDescSmall e128 
GlyphFilter e129 
GlyphFilterClear e12A 
GlyphFilterSmall e12B 
GlyphFilterSortAscSmall e12C 
GlyphFilterSortDescSmall e12D 
GlyphFilterAddExpression e12E 
GlyphFilterAddGroup e12F 
GlyphLogin e130 
GlyphLogout e131 
GlyphDownload e132 
GlyphUpload e133 
GlyphHyperlinkOpen e134 
GlyphHyperlinkOpenSmall e135 
GlyphLaunch e136 
GlyphWindow e137 
GlyphWindowCollapse e138 
GlyphMinimize e139 
GlyphGear e13A 
GlyphGears e13B 
GlyphWrench e13C 
GlyphPreview e13D 
GlyphZoom e13E 
GlyphZoomIn e13F 
GlyphZoomOut e140 
GlyphPan e141 
GlyphCalculator e142 
GlyphCart e143  *
GlyphConnector e144  *
GlyphPlusSm e145  *
GlyphMinusSm e146  *
GlyphKpiStatusDeny e147  *
GlyphKpiStatusHold e148  *
GlyphKpiStatusOpen e149  *
GlyphEqual e14A 
GlyphNotEqual e14B 
GlyphLessThanOrEqual e14C 
GlyphGreaterThanOrEqual e14D 
GlyphDivide e14E 
GlyphAccessibility e14f  *
GlyphBarcodeOutline e150  *
GlyphBarcode e151  *
GlyphBarcodeScanner e152  *
GlyphQrCodeOutline e153  *
GlyphQrCode e154  *
GlyphQrCodeScanner e155  *
GlyphBarcodeQrCodeScanner e156 &am#xe156; *
GlyphSignature e157  *
GlyphHand e158  *
GlyphCursor e159  *
GlyphStick e15a  *
GlyphUnstick e15b  *
GlyphSetColumnPosition e15c  *
Media e200
GlyphPlay e200 
GlyphPause e201 
GlyphStop e202 
GlyphRewind e203 
GlyphForward e204 
GlyphVolumeDown e205 
GlyphVolumeUp e206 
GlyphVolumeOff e207 
GlyphHd e208 
GlyphSubtitles e209 
GlyphPlaylist e20A 
GlyphAudio e20B 
GlyphPlaySm e20c  *
GlyphPauseSm e20d  *
GlyphStopSm e20e  *
Toggle e300
GlyphHeartOutline e300 
GlyphHeart e301 
GlyphStarOutline e302 
GlyphStar e303 
GlyphCheckBox e304 
GlyphCheckBoxChecked e305 
GlyphThreeStateIndeterminate e306 
GlyphThreeStateNull e307 
GlyphCircle e308 
GlyphRadioButton e309 
GlyphRadioButtonChecked e30A 
Alert and Notification e400
GlyphNotification e400 
GlyphInformation e401 
GlyphQuestion e402 
GlyphWarning e403 
Image e500
GlyphPhotoCamera e500 
GlyphImage e501 
GlyphImageExport e502 
GlyphZoomActualSize e503 
GlyphZoomBestFit e504 
GlyphImageResize e505 
GlyphCrop e506 
GlyphMirror e507 
GlyphFlipHorizontal e508 
GlyphFlipVertical e509 
GlyphRotate e50A 
GlyphRotateRight e50B 
GlyphRotateLeft e50C 
GlyphBrush e50D 
GlyphPalette e50E 
GlyphPaint e50F 
GlyphLine e510 
GlyphBrightnessContrast e511 
GlyphSaturation e512 
GlyphInvertColors e513 
GlyphTransperancy e514 
GlyphGreyscale e515 
GlyphBlur e516 
GlyphSharpen e517 
GlyphShape e518 
GlyphRoundCorners e519 
GlyphFrontElement e51A 
GlyphBackElement e51B 
GlyphForwardElement e51C 
GlyphBackwardElement e51D 
GlyphAlignLeftElement e51E 
GlyphAlignCenterElement e51F 
GlyphAlignRightElement e520 
GlyphAlignTopElement e521 
GlyphAlignMiddleElement e522 
GlyphAlignBottomElement e523 
GlyphThumbnailsUp e524 
GlyphThumbnailsRight e525 
GlyphThumbnailsDown e526 
GlyphThumbnailsLeft e527 
GlyphFullScreen e528 
GlyphFullScreenExit e529 
GlyphResetColor e52a  *
GlyphImages e52b  *
GlyphAlignToGrid e52c  *
GlyphSizeToGrid e52d  *
GlyphMakeSameSize e52e  *
GlyphMakeSameWidth e52f  *
GlyphMakeSameHeight e530  *
GlyphMakeHorizontalSpacingEqual e531  *
GlyphIncreaseHorizontalSpacing e532  *
GlyphDecreaseHorizontalSpacing e533  *
GlyphRemoveHorizontalSpacing e534  *
GlyphMakeVerticalSpacingEqual e535  *
GlyphIncreaseVerticalSpacing e536  *
GlyphDecreaseVerticalSpacing e537  *
GlyphRemoveVerticalSpacing e538  *
GlyphEyedropper e539  *
GlyphSnapGrid e53a  *
GlyphSnapToGridlines e53b  *
GlyphSnapToSnaplines e53c  *
GlyphDimentions e53d  *
GlyphAlignStretchElementHorizontal e53e  *
GlyphAlignStretchElementVertical e53f  *
GlyphAlignLeftElements e540  *
GlyphAlignCenterElements e541  *
GlyphAlignRightElements e542  *
GlyphAlignStretchElementsHorizontal e543  *
GlyphAlignBaselineHorizontal e544  *
GlyphAlignTopElements e545  *
GlyphAlignMiddleElements e546  *
GlyphAlignBottomElements e547  *
GlyphAlignStretchElementsVertical e548  *
GlyphAlignBaselineVertical e549  *
GlyphJustifyStartHorizontal e54a  *
GlyphJustifyCenterHorizontal e54b  *
GlyphJustifyEndHorizontal e54c  *
GlyphJustifyBetweenHorizontal e54d  *
GlyphJustifyAroundHorizontal e54e  *
GlyphJustifyStartVertical e54f  *
GlyphJustifyCenterVertical e550  *
GlyphJustifyEndVertical e551  *
GlyphJustifyBetweenVertical e552  *
GlyphJustifyAroundVertical e553  *
GlyphColorCanvas e554  *
Editor e600
GlyphPageProperties e600 
GlyphBold e601 
GlyphItalic e602 
GlyphUnderline e603 
GlyphFontFamily e604 
GlyphForegroundColor e605 
GlyphConvertLowercase e606 
GlyphConvertUppercase e607 
GlyphStrikethrough e608 
GlyphSubScript e609 
GlyphSupScript e60A 
GlyphDiv e60B 
GlyphAll e60C 
GlyphH1 e60D 
GlyphH2 e60E 
GlyphH3 e60F 
GlyphH4 e610 
GlyphH5 e611 
GlyphH6 e612 
GlyphListNumbered e613 
GlyphListUnordered e614 
GlyphIndentIncrease e615 
GlyphIndentDecrease e616 
GlyphInsertUp e617 
GlyphInsertMiddle e618 
GlyphInsertDown e619 
GlyphAlignTop e61A 
GlyphAlignMiddle e61B 
GlyphAlignBottom e61C 
GlyphAlignLeft e61D 
GlyphAlignCenter e61E 
GlyphAlignRight e61F 
GlyphAlignJustify e620 
GlyphAlignRemove e621 
GlyphTextWrap e622 
GlyphRuleHorizontal e623 
GlyphTableAlignTopLeft e624 
GlyphTableAlignTopCenter e625 
GlyphTableAlignTopRight e626 
GlyphTableAlignMiddleLeft e627 
GlyphTableAlignMiddleCenter e628 
GlyphTableAlignMiddleRight e629 
GlyphTableAlignBottomLeft e62A 
GlyphTableAlignBottomCenter e62B 
GlyphTableAlignBottomRight e62C 
GlyphTableAlignRemove e62D 
GlyphBordersAll e62E 
GlyphBordersOutside e62F 
GlyphBordersInside e630 
GlyphBordersInsideHorizontal e631 
GlyphBordersInsideVertical e632 
GlyphBorderTop e633 
GlyphBorderBottom e634 
GlyphBorderLeft e635 
GlyphBorderRight e636 
GlyphBorderNo e637 
GlyphBordersShowHide e638 
GlyphForm e639 
GlyphFormElement e63A 
GlyphCodeSnippet e63B 
GlyphSelectAll e63C 
GlyphButton e63D 
GlyphSelectBox e63E 
GlyphCalendarDate e63F 
GlyphGroupBox e640 
GlyphTextarea e641 
GlyphTextbox e642 
GlyphTextboxHidden e643 
GlyphPassword e644 
GlyphParagraphAdd e645 
GlyphEditTools e646 
GlyphTemplateManager e647 
GlyphChangeManually e648 
GlyphTrackChanges e649 
GlyphTrackChangesEnable e64A 
GlyphTrackChangesAccept e64B 
GlyphTrackChangesAcceptAll e64C 
GlyphTrackChangesReject e64D 
GlyphTrackChangesRejectAll e64E 
GlyphDocumentManager e64F 
GlyphCustomIcon e650 
GlyphDictionaryAdd e651 
GlyphImageLightDialog e652 
GlyphImageEdit e653 
GlyphImageMapEditor e654 
GlyphComment e655 
GlyphCommentRemove e656 
GlyphCommentsRemoveAll e657 
GlyphSilverlight e658 
GlyphMediaManager e659 
GlyphVideoExternal e65A 
GlyphFlashManager e65B 
GlyphFindAndReplace e65C 
GlyphCopy e65D 
GlyphCut e65E 
GlyphPaste e65F 
GlyphPasteAsHtml e660 
GlyphPasteFromWord e661 
GlyphPasteFromWordStripFile e662 
GlyphPasteHtml e663 
GlyphPasteMarkdown e664 
GlyphPastePlainText e665 
GlyphApplyFormat e666 
GlyphClearCss e667 
GlyphCopyFormat e668 
GlyphStripAllFormating e669 
GlyphStripCssFormat e66A 
GlyphStripFontElements e66B 
GlyphStripSpanElements e66C 
GlyphStripWordFormatting e66D 
GlyphFormatCodeBlock e66E 
GlyphStyleBuilder e66F 
GlyphModuleManager e670 
GlyphHyperlinkLightDialog e671 
GlyphHyperlink e672 
GlyphHyperlinkRemove e673 
GlyphHyperlinkEmail e674 
GlyphAnchor e675 
GlyphTableLightDialog e676 
GlyphTable e677 
GlyphTableProperties e678 
GlyphTableCell e679 
GlyphTableCellProperties e67A 
GlyphTableColumnInsertLeft e67B 
GlyphTableColumnInsertRight e67C 
GlyphTableRowInsertAbove e67D 
GlyphTableRowInsertBelow e67E 
GlyphTableColumnDelete e67F 
GlyphTableRowDelete e680 
GlyphTableCellDelete e681 
GlyphTableDelete e682 
GlyphCellsMerge e683 
GlyphCellsMergeHorizontally e684 
GlyphCellsMergeVertically e685 
GlyphCellSplitHorizontally e686 
GlyphCellSplitVertically e687 
GlyphTableUnmerge e688 
GlyphPaneFreeze e689 
GlyphRowFreeze e68A 
GlyphColumnFreeze e68B 
GlyphToolbarFloat e68C 
GlyphSpellChecker e68D 
GlyphValidationXhtml e68E 
GlyphValidationData e68F 
GlyphToggleFullScreenMode e690 
GlyphFormulaFx e691 
GlyphSum e692 
GlyphSymbol e693 
GlyphDollar e694 
GlyphPercent e695 
GlyphCustomFormat e696 
GlyphDecimalIncrease e697 
GlyphDecimalDecrease e698 
GlyphFontSize e699  *
GlyphImageAbsolutePosition e69a  *
GlyphWizardTable e69b  *
GlyphCrosstab e69c  *
GlyphWizardCrosstab e69d  *
GlyphTableBody e69e  *
GlyphTableColumnGroups e69f  *
GlyphTableCorner e6a0  *
GlyphTableRowGroups e6a1  *
GlyphTablePositionLeft e6a2  *
GlyphTablePositionCenter e6a3  *
GlyphTablePositionRight e6a4  *
GlyphListRomanBig e6a5  *
GlyphListRomanSmall e6a6  *
GlyphImport e6a7  *
GlyphExport e6a8  *
GlyphMatchFullWord e6a9  *
GlyphRegularExpression e6ab  *
GlyphReplaceSingle e6ac  *
GlyphReplaceAll e6ad  *
GlyphLetterSpace e6ae  *
GlyphLineHeight e6af  *
GlyphBlockquote e6b0  *
Map e700
GlyphGlobeOutline e700 
GlyphGlobe e701 
GlyphMarkerPin e702 
GlyphMarkerPinTarget e703 
GlyphPin e704 
GlyphUnpin e705 
Social e800
GlyphShare e800 
GlyphUser e801 
GlyphInbox e802 
GlyphBlogger e803 
GlyphBloggerBox e804 
GlyphDelicious e805 
GlyphDeliciousBox e806 
GlyphDigg e807 
GlyphDiggBox e808 
GlyphEmail e809 
GlyphEmailBox e80A 
GlyphFacebook e80B 
GlyphFacebookBox e80C 
GlyphGoogleBookmarks e80D 
GlyphGoogleBookmarksBox e80E 
GlyphGooglePlus e80F 
GlyphGooglePlusBox e810 
GlyphLinkedin e811 
GlyphLinkedinBox e812 
GlyphMyspace e813 
GlyphMyspaceBox e814 
GlyphPinterest e815 
GlyphPinterestBox e816 
GlyphReddit e817 
GlyphRedditBox e818 
GlyphStumbleUpon e819 
GlyphStumbleUponBox e81A 
GlyphTellAFriend e81B 
GlyphTellAFriendBox e81C 
GlyphTumblr e81D 
GlyphTumblrBox e81E 
GlyphTwitter e81F 
GlyphTwitterBox e820 
GlyphYammer e821 
GlyphYammerBox e822 
Behance e823  *
BehanceBox e824  *
Dribbble e825  *
DribbbleBox e826  *
Rss e827  *
RssBox e828  *
Vimeo e829  *
VimeoBox e82a  *
Youtube e82b  *
YoutubeBox e82c  *
File e900
GlyphFolder e900 
GlyphFolderOpen e901 
GlyphFolderAdd e902 
GlyphFolderUp e903 
GlyphFieldsMore e904 
GlyphAggregateFields e905 
GlyphFile e906 
GlyphFileAdd e907 
GlyphTxt e908 
GlyphCsv e909 
GlyphExcel e90A 
GlyphWord e90B 
GlyphMdb e90C 
GlyphPpt e90D 
GlyphPdf e90E 
GlyphPsd e90F 
GlyphFlash e910 
GlyphConfig e911 
GlyphAscx e912 
GlyphBac e913 
GlyphZip e914 
GlyphFilm e915 
GlyphCss3 e916 
GlyphHtml5 e917 
GlyphHtml e918 
GlyphCss e919 
GlyphJs e91A 
GlyphExe e91B 
GlyphCsproj e91C 
GlyphVbproj e91D 
GlyphCs e91E 
GlyphVb e91F 
GlyphSln e920 
GlyphCloud e921 
GlyphFileHorizontal e922  *
GlyphSubreport e923  *
GlyphData e924  *
GlyphReportHeaderSection e925  *
GlyphReportFooterSection e926  *
GlyphGroupHeaderSection e927  *
GlyphGroupFooterSection e928  *
GlyphPageHeaderSection e929  *
GlyphPageFooterSection e92a  *
GlyphDetailSection e92b  *
GlyphTocSection e92c  *
GlyphGroupSection e92d  *
GlyphParameters e92e  *
GlyphDataCsv e92f  *
GlyphDataJson e930  *
GlyphDataSql e931  *
GlyphDataWeb e932  *
GlyphGroupCollection e933  *
GlyphParameterBoolean e934  *
GlyphParameterDateTime e935  *
GlyphParameterFloat e936  *
GlyphParameterInteger e937  *
GlyphParameterString e938  *
GlyphTocSectionLevel e939  *
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GlyphFileVideo e93b  *
GlyphFileAudio e93c  *
GlyphFileImage e93d  *
GlyphFilePresentation e93e  *
GlyphFileData e93f  *
GlyphFileDiscImage e940  *
GlyphFileProgramming e941  *
GlyphParametersByteArray e942  *
GlyphParametersUnknown e943  *
GlyphFileError e944  *
GlyphFilesError e945  *
GlyphDataRest e946  *
GlyphFileTypescript e947  *
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GlyphBarRange ea08  *
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GlyphLineStackedMarkers ea11  *
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GlyphScatterSmoothLines ea17  *
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GlyphScatterStraightLines ea19  *
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GlyphChoropleth ea21  *