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This panel that arranges its child controls in a tabular structure of rows and columns.

tpf-layout-predefined-layout-panels-gridlayoutpanel 001

The GridLayout has to be populated with columns and rows when it is being initialized. Each column/row can be in one of three sizing modes:

  • Fixed: The column/row is sized with a fixed width/height determined by the FixedWidth/FixedHeight property.

  • Proportional: The column/row is sized proportionally according to the other proportional rows/columns. In this case the available width/height is split proportionally to each column/row according to the ProportionalWidthWeight/ProportionalHeightWeigh property.

  • Auto: In this mode the column/row has the width/height of the largest item in it. To determine the cell coordinates of each element added to the GridLayout, you should set the RowIndex/ColumnIndex properties. Also, each element has a RowSpan/ColSpan property, which determines how many rows/columns the element occupies:

Here is a sample:

Using WrapLayoutPanel

public class MyGridLayoutControl : RadControl
    protected override void CreateChildItems(RadElement parent)
        parent.Children.Add(new MyGridLayoutPanelElement());
class MyGridLayoutPanelElement : RadElement
    GridLayout layoutPanel;
    protected override void CreateChildElements()
        layoutPanel = new GridLayout();
        layoutPanel.StretchHorizontally = layoutPanel.StretchVertically = false;
        layoutPanel.Columns.Add(new GridLayoutColumn() { SizingType = GridLayoutSizingType.Auto });
        layoutPanel.Columns.Add(new GridLayoutColumn() { SizingType = GridLayoutSizingType.Proportional, ProportionalWidthWeight = 5 });
        layoutPanel.Columns.Add(new GridLayoutColumn() { SizingType = GridLayoutSizingType.Proportional, ProportionalWidthWeight = 7 });
        layoutPanel.Columns.Add(new GridLayoutColumn() { SizingType = GridLayoutSizingType.Fixed, FixedWidth = 150 });
        layoutPanel.Rows.Add(new GridLayoutRow() { SizingType = GridLayoutSizingType.Proportional, ProportionalHeightWeight = 3 });
        layoutPanel.Rows.Add(new GridLayoutRow() { SizingType = GridLayoutSizingType.Proportional, ProportionalHeightWeight = 7 });
        layoutPanel.Rows.Add(new GridLayoutRow() { SizingType = GridLayoutSizingType.Fixed, FixedHeight = 150 });
        for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
            if (i == 7) continue;
            RadElement child = GetTextBoxElement(i);
            child.SetValue(GridLayout.RowIndexProperty, i % 3);
            child.SetValue(GridLayout.ColumnIndexProperty, (i / 3));
            if (i == 4)
                child.SetValue(GridLayout.ColSpanProperty, 2);
    private RadElement GetTextBoxElement(int count)
        RadButtonElement result = new RadButtonElement();
        result.ShowBorder = true;
        result.Text = "Button" + count.ToString();
        result.StretchHorizontally = true;
        result.StretchVertically = true;
        return result;

Public Class MyGridLayoutControl
    Inherits RadControl
    Protected Overrides Sub CreateChildItems(parent As RadElement)
        parent.Children.Add(New MyGridLayoutPanelElement())
    End Sub
End Class
Class MyGridLayoutPanelElement
    Inherits RadElement
    Private layoutPanel As GridLayout
    Protected Overrides Sub CreateChildElements()
        layoutPanel = New GridLayout()
        layoutPanel.StretchHorizontally = False
        layoutPanel.StretchVertically = False
        layoutPanel.Columns.Add(New GridLayoutColumn() With {.SizingType = GridLayoutSizingType.Auto})
        layoutPanel.Columns.Add(New GridLayoutColumn() With {.SizingType = GridLayoutSizingType.Proportional, .ProportionalWidthWeight = 5})
        layoutPanel.Columns.Add(New GridLayoutColumn() With {.SizingType = GridLayoutSizingType.Proportional, .ProportionalWidthWeight = 7})
        layoutPanel.Columns.Add(New GridLayoutColumn() With {.SizingType = GridLayoutSizingType.Fixed, .FixedWidth = 150})
        layoutPanel.Rows.Add(New GridLayoutRow() With {.SizingType = GridLayoutSizingType.Proportional, .ProportionalHeightWeight = 3})
        layoutPanel.Rows.Add(New GridLayoutRow() With {.SizingType = GridLayoutSizingType.Proportional, .ProportionalHeightWeight = 7})
        layoutPanel.Rows.Add(New GridLayoutRow() With {.SizingType = GridLayoutSizingType.Fixed, .FixedHeight = 150})
        For i As Integer = 0 To 11
            If i = 7 Then
                Continue For
            End If
            Dim child As RadElement = GetTextBoxElement(i)
            child.SetValue(GridLayout.RowIndexProperty, i Mod 3)
            child.SetValue(GridLayout.ColumnIndexProperty, CInt(Fix(i / 3)))
            If i = 4 Then
                child.SetValue(GridLayout.ColSpanProperty, 2)
            End If
    End Sub
    Private Function GetTextBoxElement(count As Integer) As RadElement
        Dim result As New RadButtonElement()
        result.ShowBorder = True
        result.Text = "Button" + count.ToString()
        result.StretchHorizontally = True
        result.StretchVertically = True
        Return result
    End Function
End Class

See Also

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