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Backward Compatibility

This article lists the breaking changes and how they can be fixed when upgrading from a specific version of the controls to the next one.

What's Different in 2024 Q1


The following constructors are obsolete:

  • ZipArchive(Stream stream)
  • ZipArchive(Stream stream, ZipArchiveMode mode, bool leaveOpen, Encoding entryNameEncoding)
  • ZipArchive(Stream stream, ZipArchiveMode mode, bool leaveOpen, Encoding entryNameEncoding, CompressionSettings compressionSettings, EncryptionSettingsBase encryptionSettings)

What to do now

Use the static methods instead:

  • ZipArchive.Create(Stream stream)
  • ZipArchive.Create(Stream stream, Encoding entryNameEncoding)
  • ZipArchive.Create(Stream stream, Encoding entryNameEncoding, CompressionSettings compressionSettings, EncryptionSettings encryptionSettings)
  • ZipArchive.Read(Stream stream)
  • ZipArchive.Read(Stream stream, Encoding entryNameEncoding)
  • ZipArchive.Read(Stream stream, Encoding entryNameEncoding, CompressionSettings compressionSettings, DecryptionSettings decryptionSettings)
  • ZipArchive.Update(Stream stream)
  • ZipArchive.Update(Stream stream, Encoding entryNameEncoding)
  • ZipArchive.Update(Stream stream, Encoding entryNameEncoding, CompressionSettings compressionSettings, DecryptionSettings decryptionSettings)

The new static methods are leaving the stream open (the previously provided parameter "leave stream open" is obsoleted and the customer has the care to close the stream.


The GetCryptoProvider method accepts EncryptionSettingsBase instead of EncryptionSettings.

The DefaultCryptoProvider class is obsolete. Use PkzipCryptoProvider instead.

The DefaultEncryptionSettings class is obsolete. Use the static creation methods of the EncryptionSettings class instead.

What's Different in 2016 R3


Assemblies with a version number ending with .45 suffix are not distributed.

What to do now

Use the assemblies with a version number ending with .40 suffix. The library doesn't contain code specific for .NET Framework 4.5, thus an additional version is not needed.

What's Different in 2015 Q1 - 2015.1.0225


The Telerik.Windows.Zip.ZipPackage class is obsolete.

What to do now

Use the Telerik.Windows.Zip.ZipArchive class instead.


The Telerik.Windows.Zip.ZipPackageEntry class is obsolete.

What to do now

Use the Telerik.Windows.Zip.ZipArchiveEntry class instead.


The Telerik.Windows.Zip.ZipOutputSrteam and Telerik.Windows.Zip.ZipInputSrteam classes are obsolete.

What to do now

Use the Telerik.Windows.Zip.CompressedStream class instead.

What's Different in 2014 Q1 - 2014.1.0226


The Telerik.Windows.Zip.LZMA.LzmaEncoder class is removed as it is intended for internal use only.


The Telerik.Windows.Zip.ZipInputStream(System.IO.Stream, System.Boolean) constructor is removed.

What to do now

Use the Telerik.Windows.Zip.ZipInputStream(System.IO.Stream) constructor instead.


The System.Void Telerik.Windows.Zip.ZipPackage::Add(System.String[]) method is removed.

What to do now

You can use the System.Void Telerik.Windows.Zip.ZipPackage::Add(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable) method instead.


The System.Void Telerik.Windows.Zip.ZipPackage::Add(System.String[]) method is removed.

What to do now

You can use the System.Void Telerik.Windows.Zip.ZipPackage::Add(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable) method instead.


The System.Void Telerik.Windows.Zip.ZipPackage::AddStream(System.String, System.IO.Stream) method is removed.

What to do now

You can use the System.Void Telerik.Windows.Zip.ZipPackage::AddStream(System.IO.Stream, System.String) method instead.


The System.Void Telerik.Windows.Zip.ZipPackage::AddStream(Telerik.Windows.Zip.ZipCompression, System.String, System.IO.Stream, System.DateTime) method is removed.

What to do now

You can use the System.Void Telerik.Windows.Zip.ZipPackage::AddStream(System.IO.Stream, System.String, Telerik.Windows.Zip.ZipCompression, System.DateTime) method instead.


The Telerik.Windows.Zip.ZipPackage Telerik.Windows.Zip.ZipPackage::Open(System.IO.Stream, System.IO.FileAccess) method is removed.

What to do now

You can use the Telerik.Windows.Zip.ZipPackage Telerik.Windows.Zip.ZipPackage::Open(System.IO.Stream) method instead.

In this article