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Drag and Drop

The Drag and Drop functionality for the TreeView allows you to move a node or multitude of nodes between different parents in the same treeview or between different Telerik TreeView instances.

This article is divided in the following sections:


To enable the Drag and Drop functionality:

  1. Set the Draggable parameter of the <TelerikTreeView> to true

  2. Use the Drag events to handle the drag and drop operations and modify the data source as per your business logic.

OnDragStart Event

The OnDragStart event fires when the user starts dragging a node. It provides details for the dragged item and allows you to cancel the event.

Event Arguments

The OnDragStart event handler receives as an argument an object of type TreeViewDragStartEventArgs that contains:

Parameter Type Description
Item object Represents the dragged row. You can cast this object to your model class.
IsCancelled bool Whether the event is to be prevented.

OnDrag Event

The OnDrag event fires continuously while the user is dragging a node.

Event Arguments

The OnDrag event handler receives as an argument an object of type TreeViewDragEventArgs that contains:

Parameter Type Description
Item object Represents the dragged row. You can cast this object to your model class.
DestinationItem object Represents the row over which the Item is. You can cast this object to your model class.
DestinationTreeView object The reference of the TreeView in which the Item is dropped.
DestinationIndex string The index in the target component where the drop will happen.
DestinationComponentId string The Id of the target component in which the drop will happen.
DropPosition enum Its members allow you to determine the exact position of the dropped item relative to the position of the DestinationItem.
PageX double Represents the X coordinate of the mouse.
PageY double Represents the Y coordinate of the mouse.

OnDrop Event

The OnDrop event fires when the user drops a node to a new location. It is triggered only if the new location is a Telerik component. The event allows you to manipulate your data collection based on where the user dropped the element.

Event Arguments

The OnDrop event provides an object of type TreeViewDropEventArgs to its event handler which exposes the following fields:

Parameter Type Description
Item object Represents the dragged row. You can cast this object to your model class.
DestinationItem object Represents the row over which the Item is dropped. You can cast this object to your model class.
Items object Represents the dragged row. You can cast this object to your model class.
DropPosition enum Its members allow you to determine the exact position of the dropped item relative to the position of the DestinationItem.
DestinationGrid object The reference of the Grid in which the row is dropped. This is applicable when you drag and drop rows between different grids.
DestinationIndex string The index where the drop will happen in the second component.
DestinationComponentId string The Id of the second component in which the drop will happen.

OnDragEnd Event

The OnDragEnd event fires when a drag operation ends. The event is triggered after OnDrop and unlike it, OnDragEnd will fire even if the drop location is not a Telerik component. In this case, the non-applicable event arguments will be null.

Event Arguments

The OnDragEnd event handler receives as an argument an object of type TreeViewDragEndEventArgs that contains:

Parameter Type Description
DestinationItem object Represents the row over which the Item is. You can cast this object to your model class.
DestinationTreeView object The reference of the TreeView in which the Item is dropped.
DestinationIndex string The index in the target component where the drop will happen.
DestinationComponentId string The Id of the target component in which the drop will happen.
DropPosition enum Its members allow you to determine the exact position of the dropped item relative to the position of the DestinationItem.


TreeView Drag and Drop Events

Handle Blazor TreeView Drag Events

    Current Item: @CurrentItem
    <br />
    Current Location: @Location @DestinationItem
    <br />

<TelerikTreeView Data="@Data"
        <TreeViewBinding ParentIdField="Parent"></TreeViewBinding>

@code {
    private string CurrentItem { get; set; }
    private string DestinationItem { get; set; }
    private string Location { get; set; }
    private string Hint { get; set; } = "Documents and its children cannot be moved";
    private List<TreeItem> Data { get; set; }
    private IEnumerable<object> ExpandedItems { get; set; }

    public class TreeItem
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public int? Parent { get; set; }
        public string Text { get; set; }
        public ISvgIcon Icon { get; set; }
        public bool HasChildren { get; set; }

        public TreeItem(int id, int? parent, string text, ISvgIcon icon, bool hasChildren)
            Id = id;
            Parent = parent;
            Text = text;
            Icon = icon;
            HasChildren = hasChildren;

    private void OnDragStart(TreeViewDragStartEventArgs args)
        var item = args.Item as TreeItem;
        if (item.Parent == 1 || item.Id == 1)
            args.IsCancelled = true;
            CurrentItem = item.Text;

    private void OnDrag(TreeViewDragEventArgs args)
        if (args.DestinationItem != null)
            var destination = args.DestinationItem as TreeItem;
            DestinationItem = destination.Text;
        if (args.DropPosition != null)
            Location = args.DropPosition.Value.ToString().ToLower();
            Location = "over";

    private void OnDragEnd(TreeViewDragEndEventArgs args)
        var destination = args.DestinationItem as TreeItem;
        if (args.DestinationComponentId == "TreeView" && args.DropPosition!=null)
            Hint = "Item was placed successfully";
            Hint = "Invalid location";
        CurrentItem = "";
        Location = "";
        DestinationItem = "";

    protected override void OnInitialized()


    private void OnItemDrop(TreeViewDropEventArgs args)
        var item = args.Item as TreeItem;
        var destinationItem = args.DestinationItem as TreeItem;

        if (destinationItem != null && IsChild(item, destinationItem))


        if (item.Parent != null && !Data.Any(x => item.Parent == x.Parent))
            Data.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == item.Parent).HasChildren = false;

        if (args.DropPosition == TreeViewDropPosition.Over)
            item.Parent = destinationItem.Id;
            destinationItem.HasChildren = true;

            var index = Data.IndexOf(destinationItem);

            item.Parent = destinationItem.Parent;

            if (args.DropPosition == TreeViewDropPosition.After)

            Data.Insert(index, item);

        // Refresh data
        Data = new List<TreeItem>(Data);

    private bool IsChild(TreeItem item, TreeItem destinationItem)
        if (destinationItem?.Parent == null || item == null)
            return false;
        else if (destinationItem.Parent?.Equals(item.Id) == true)
            return true;

        var parentDestinationItem = Data.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Id.Equals(destinationItem.Parent));

        return IsChild(item, parentDestinationItem);

    private void LoadData()
        Data = new List<TreeItem>()
            new TreeItem(1, null, "Documents", SvgIcon.Folder, true),
                new TreeItem(2, 1, "report.xlsx", SvgIcon.FileExcel, false),
                new TreeItem(3, 1, "status.docx", SvgIcon.FileWord, false),
                new TreeItem(4, 1, "conferences.xlsx", SvgIcon.FileExcel, false),
                new TreeItem(5, 1, "performance.pdf", SvgIcon.FilePdf, false),
            new TreeItem(6, null, "Pictures", SvgIcon.Folder, true),
                new TreeItem(7, 6, "Camera Roll", SvgIcon.Folder, true),
                    new TreeItem(8, 7, "team.png", SvgIcon.FileImage, false),
                    new TreeItem(9, 7, "team-building.png", SvgIcon.FileImage, false),
                    new TreeItem(10, 7, "friends.png", SvgIcon.FileImage, false),
        ExpandedItems = Data.ToList();


Drag and Drop between TreeView, Grid, TreeList and Scheduler

The functionality allows dragging items between TreeView, Grid, TreeList and Scheduler. To achieve it, set the Draggable/RowDraggable parameter, and implement it through an event - OnDrop/OnRowDrop.

Drag and Drop from Scheduler to Grid, TreeList, TreeView is not yet supported. Only the reversed way.

Drag and Drop between TreeView and Grid
@* Drag and drop in Grid and TreeView. *@

@using System.Collections.Generic;
@using System.Collections.ObjectModel;

@inject PersonService PersonService;

<TelerikGrid Data="@GridData"
             OnRowDrop="@((GridRowDropEventArgs<Person> args) => GridRowDrop(args))">
        <GridRowDraggableSettings DragClueField="@nameof(Person.Name)"></GridRowDraggableSettings>
        <GridColumn Field=@nameof(Person.EmployeeId) Editable="false" />
        <GridColumn Field=@nameof(Person.Name) />

<TelerikTreeView @ref="@TreeRef"
        <TreeViewBinding TextField="Text" ParentIdField="ParentId" />

@code {
    private List<Person> GridData { get; set; }
    private TelerikGrid<Person> GridRef { get; set; }

    private TelerikTreeView TreeRef { get; set; }
    private TreeViewObservableFlatDataService TreeService { get; set; }
    private ObservableCollection<BaseFlatItem> TreeData { get; set; }

    protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
        await LoadData();

    private async Task LoadData()
        var people = await PersonService.GetPeopleAsync();
        GridData = people.Take(10).ToList();

        TreeService = new TreeViewObservableFlatDataService("Item");
        TreeData = TreeService.GetFlatItems();

    private void GridRowDrop(GridRowDropEventArgs<Person> args)
        foreach (var item in args.Items)

        if (args.DestinationComponentId == "TreeView1")
            var destinationItem = (BaseFlatItem)TreeRef.GetItemFromDropIndex(args.DestinationIndex);

                .Select(item => new BaseFlatItem() { Text = item.Name, Id = Guid.NewGuid() })
                .ForEach(item => UpdateTreeView(item, destinationItem, args.DropPosition));
        else if (args.DestinationComponentId == "Grid1")
            InsertItemsIntoGrid(args.Items, args.DestinationItem, args.DropPosition);

    private void TreeViewDrop(TreeViewDropEventArgs args)
        var item = args.Item as BaseFlatItem;

        if (args.DestinationComponentId == "TreeView1")
            UpdateTreeView(item, args.DestinationItem as BaseFlatItem, (GridRowDropPosition)(int)args.DropPosition);
        else if (args.DestinationComponentId == "Grid1")
            var sourceItems = TreeService.GetChildItems(item)
                .Select(item => new Person() { Name = item.Text, EmployeeId = GridData.Max(x => x.EmployeeId) + 1 });

            TreeService.Remove(item, true);

            var destinationItem = GridRef.GetItemFromDropIndex(args.DestinationIndex);

            InsertItemsIntoGrid(sourceItems, destinationItem, (GridRowDropPosition)(int)args.DropPosition);


    private void InsertItemsIntoGrid(IEnumerable<Person> items, Person destinationItem, GridRowDropPosition dropPosition)
        var destinationIndex = 0;
        if (destinationItem != null)
            destinationIndex = GridData.IndexOf(destinationItem);
            if (dropPosition == GridRowDropPosition.After)
                destinationIndex += 1;

        GridData.InsertRange(destinationIndex, items);

    private void UpdateTreeView(BaseFlatItem item, BaseFlatItem destinationItem, GridRowDropPosition dropPosition)
        if (dropPosition == GridRowDropPosition.Over)
            TreeService.AddChild(item, destinationItem);
        else if (dropPosition == GridRowDropPosition.After)
            TreeService.AddNextSibling(item, destinationItem);
        else if (dropPosition == GridRowDropPosition.Before)
            TreeService.AddPrevSibling(item, destinationItem);
public class PersonService
    private List<Person> _people;

    public List<Person> People
            if (_people == null)
                _people = GeneratePeople(30);

            return _people;

    public async Task<List<Person>> GetPeopleAsync()
        await Task.Delay(50);

        return People;

    private List<Person> GeneratePeople(int count, int startIndex = 0)
        List<Person> result = new List<Person>();

        for (int i = startIndex; i < startIndex + count; i++)
            result.Add(new Person()
                EmployeeId = i,
                Name = "Employee " + i.ToString(),
                AgeInYears = i,
                GraduateGrade = (i % 6) + 1,
                HireDate = new DateTime(2020, 6, 1).Date.AddDays(count - (i % 7)),
                MeetingDate = new DateTime(2020, 6, 1).Date.AddDays((i % 4)),
                IsOutOfOffice = i % 3 == 0 ? true : false

        return result;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;

public class Person
    public int? EmployeeId { get; set; }

    [Required(ErrorMessage = "Enter a name")]
    public string Name { get; set; }

    [Display(Name = "Age in Years")]
    [Required(ErrorMessage = "Enter an int age")]
    [Range(0, 200, ErrorMessage = "Nobody is that old")]
    public int? AgeInYears { get; set; }

    [Display(Name = "Graduate Grade")]
    [Required(ErrorMessage = "Enter a graduate grade.")]
    [Range(1, 6, ErrorMessage = "Grades vary between 1 and 6.")]
    public decimal? GraduateGrade { get; set; }

    [Required(ErrorMessage = "Enter a hire date")]
    [Range(typeof(DateTime), "10/10/2016", "10/10/2020", ErrorMessage = "Hire Date must be between 10/10/2016 and 10/10/2020")]
    public DateTime HireDate { get; set; }

    [Display(AutoGenerateField = false, Name = "Meeting Date")]
    public DateTime MeetingDate { get; set; }

    public bool IsOutOfOffice { get; set; }

    public Person()
        GraduateGrade = 1;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using Telerik.DataSource.Extensions;

public class TreeViewObservableFlatDataService
        private string ItemText { get; set; }

        private ObservableCollection<BaseFlatItem> _observableFlatItems;

        public TreeViewObservableFlatDataService()
            ItemText = "Item";

        public TreeViewObservableFlatDataService(string text)
            ItemText = text;

        private ObservableCollection<BaseFlatItem> ObservableFlatItems
                if (_observableFlatItems == null)
                    _observableFlatItems = GenerateFlatItems(null, 0, ItemText);

                return _observableFlatItems;

        public ObservableCollection<BaseFlatItem> GetFlatItems()
            return ObservableFlatItems;

        private ObservableCollection<BaseFlatItem> GenerateFlatItems(Guid? parentId, int level, string parentName)
            var items = new ObservableCollection<BaseFlatItem>();

            for (var i = 1; i <= 4; i++)
                var id = Guid.NewGuid();
                var name = $"{parentName}{i}";

                var item = new BaseFlatItem()
                    Id = id,
                    ParentId = parentId,
                    HasChildren = level < 2,
                    Text = name


                if (level < 2)
                    foreach (var childItem in GenerateFlatItems(id, level + 1, name + "."))

            return items;

        #region Reorder

        public void AddChild(BaseFlatItem flatItem, BaseFlatItem parentFlatItem)
            // remove from the collection to assure last place in the collection

            flatItem.ParentId = parentFlatItem?.Id;

            // locate previous parent to toggle haschildren property
            if (parentFlatItem != null)
                parentFlatItem.HasChildren = true;


        public void AddChildren(List<BaseFlatItem> children)

        public void AddPrevSibling(BaseFlatItem flatItem, BaseFlatItem siblingFlatItem)
            // remove node

            // add the node at the position of the sibling node
            AddSibling(flatItem, siblingFlatItem, 0);

        public void AddNextSibling(BaseFlatItem flatItem, BaseFlatItem siblingFlatItem)
            // remove node

            // add the node at the next position of the sibling node
            AddSibling(flatItem, siblingFlatItem, 1);

        private void AddSibling(
            BaseFlatItem flatItem,
            BaseFlatItem siblingFlatItem,
            int direction)
            // get parent of the sibling node
            var parentItem = ObservableFlatItems.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == siblingFlatItem.ParentId);

            // handle movement from another parent
            flatItem.ParentId = siblingFlatItem.ParentId;

            // insert the node at the place of the sibling item
            ObservableFlatItems.Insert(ObservableFlatItems.IndexOf(siblingFlatItem) + direction, flatItem);

        public void Remove(BaseFlatItem flatItem, bool removeChildren = false)
            // update the hasChildren state of the parent item of the source flat item that is dragged
            var parentFlatItem = ObservableFlatItems.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == flatItem.ParentId);

            if (parentFlatItem != null)
                var childItemsCount = ObservableFlatItems.Count(child => child.ParentId == parentFlatItem.Id);

                parentFlatItem.HasChildren = childItemsCount > 1;

            if (removeChildren)
                var children = GetChildItems(flatItem);

                foreach (var item in children)


    public List<BaseFlatItem> GetChildItems(BaseFlatItem item)
        var allRelatedItems = new List<BaseFlatItem>();

        GetChildItems(item, allRelatedItems);

        return allRelatedItems;

    private void GetChildItems(BaseFlatItem parentItem, List<BaseFlatItem> result)
        foreach (var item in ObservableFlatItems.Where(it => it.ParentId == parentItem.Id))

            GetChildItems(item, result);

public class BaseFlatItem
    public Guid Id { get; set; }
    public Guid? ParentId { get; set; }
    public string Text { get; set; }
    public bool HasChildren { get; set; }

See more applicable examples in the Grid Drag and Drop article.

Flat Data

@inject TreeViewFlatDataService TreeViewFlatDataService

    <TelerikTreeView Data="@FlatData"
            <TreeViewBinding TextField="Text" ParentIdField="ParentId" />

@code {
    public bool Draggable { get; set; } = true;
    public List<BaseFlatItem> FlatData { get; set; }

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        FlatData = TreeViewFlatDataService.GetFlatItems();

    private void OnDrop(TreeViewDropEventArgs args)
        var item = args.Item as BaseFlatItem;
        var destinationItem = args.DestinationItem as BaseFlatItem;

        FlatData = TreeViewFlatDataService.ReorderItems(args.DropPosition, item, destinationItem);
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Telerik.Blazor;
using TelerikBlazorAppSource.Models;

    public class TreeViewFlatDataService
        private string ItemText { get; set; }

        private List<BaseFlatItem> _flatItems;

        private List<BaseFlatItem> FlatItems
                if (_flatItems == null)
                    _flatItems = GenerateFlatItems(null, 0, ItemText);

                return _flatItems;

        public TreeViewFlatDataService()
            ItemText = "Item";

        public TreeViewFlatDataService(string text)
            ItemText = text;

        public List<BaseFlatItem> GetFlatItems()
            return FlatItems;

        private List<BaseFlatItem> GenerateFlatItems(Guid? parentId, int level, string parentName)
            var items = new List<BaseFlatItem>();

            for (var i = 1; i <= 4; i++)
                var id = Guid.NewGuid();
                var name = $"{parentName}{i}";

                var item = new BaseFlatItem()
                    Id = id,
                    ParentId = parentId,
                    HasChildren = level < 3,
                    Text = name


                if (level < 3)
                    items.AddRange(GenerateFlatItems(id, level + 1, name + "."));

            return items;

        public List<BaseFlatItem> ReorderItems(TreeViewDropPosition position, BaseFlatItem sourceItem, BaseFlatItem destinationItem)
            // remove the source item from the current position

            // insert in the right place according to the dropposition
            ReorderCollection(position, sourceItem, destinationItem);

            return new List<BaseFlatItem>(FlatItems);

        private void Remove(BaseFlatItem sourceItem)
            // update the hasChildren state of the parent item of the source flat item that is dragged

            var parentFlatItem = FlatItems.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == sourceItem.ParentId);

            if (parentFlatItem != null)
                var childItemsCount = FlatItems.Count(child => child.ParentId == parentFlatItem.Id);

                parentFlatItem.HasChildren = childItemsCount > 1;


        private void ReorderCollection(TreeViewDropPosition position, BaseFlatItem sourceItem, BaseFlatItem destinationItem)
            if (position == TreeViewDropPosition.Over)
                // simply change the parent id and add it in the collection, so that the item will be placed on last position
                sourceItem.ParentId = destinationItem.Id;

            else if (position == TreeViewDropPosition.Before)
                // handle movement in other parent
                sourceItem.ParentId = destinationItem.ParentId;

                FlatItems.Insert(FlatItems.IndexOf(destinationItem), sourceItem);
            else if (position == TreeViewDropPosition.After)
                // handle movement in other parent
                sourceItem.ParentId = destinationItem.ParentId;

                FlatItems.Insert(FlatItems.IndexOf(destinationItem), sourceItem);
    public class BaseFlatItem
        public Guid Id { get; set; }
        public Guid? ParentId { get; set; }
        public string Text { get; set; }
        public bool HasChildren { get; set; }

Hierarchical Data

@inject TreeViewHierarchicalDataService TreeViewHierarchicalDataService

<TelerikTreeView Data="@HierarchicalData"
        <TreeViewBinding ItemsField="Items" HasChildrenField="HasItems"></TreeViewBinding>

@code {
    public bool Draggable { get; set; } = true;
    public List<BaseHierarchicalItem> HierarchicalData { get; set; }

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        HierarchicalData = TreeViewHierarchicalDataService.GetHierarchicalItems();

    private void OnDrop(TreeViewDropEventArgs args)
        var item = args.Item as BaseHierarchicalItem;
        var destinationItem = args.DestinationItem as BaseHierarchicalItem;

        HierarchicalData = TreeViewHierarchicalDataService.ReorderHierarchicalItems(args.DropPosition, item, destinationItem);
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Telerik.Blazor;

    public class TreeViewHierarchicalDataService
        private string ItemText { get; set; }

        private List<BaseHierarchicalItem> _hierarchicalItems;

        private List<BaseHierarchicalItem> HierarchicalItems
                if (_hierarchicalItems == null)
                    _hierarchicalItems = GenerateHierarchicalItems(ItemText);

                return _hierarchicalItems;

        public TreeViewHierarchicalDataService()
            ItemText = "Item";

        public TreeViewHierarchicalDataService(string text)
            ItemText = text;

        public List<BaseHierarchicalItem> GetHierarchicalItems()
            return HierarchicalItems;

        private List<BaseHierarchicalItem> GenerateHierarchicalItems(string parentName, int level = 0)
            var items = new List<BaseHierarchicalItem>();

            for (var i = 1; i <= 4; i++)
                var name = $"{parentName}{i}";

                var item = new BaseHierarchicalItem()
                    HasChildren = level < 2,
                    Text = name

                if (level < 2)
                    item.Items = GenerateHierarchicalItems(name + ".", level + 1);


            return items;

        public List<BaseHierarchicalItem> ReorderHierarchicalItems(TreeViewDropPosition position, BaseHierarchicalItem sourceItem, BaseHierarchicalItem destinationItem)
            // remove the item from its current place in the collection

            // insert in the right place according to the dropposition
            ReorderCollection(position, sourceItem, destinationItem);

            return new List<BaseHierarchicalItem>(HierarchicalItems);

        private void RemoveItem(BaseHierarchicalItem item)
            // locate the parent of the source item
            var sourceParentItem = HierarchicalItems.FindRecursive(it => it.Items?.Contains(item) ?? false);
            var sourceCollection = sourceParentItem?.Items ?? HierarchicalItems;


        private void ReorderCollection(TreeViewDropPosition position, BaseHierarchicalItem sourceItem, BaseHierarchicalItem destinationItem)
            var destinationParentItem = HierarchicalItems.FindRecursive(item => item.Items?.Contains(destinationItem) ?? false);

            if (destinationParentItem != null)
                destinationParentItem.Items = destinationParentItem.Items ?? new List<BaseHierarchicalItem>();

            var itemsCollection = destinationParentItem?.Items ?? HierarchicalItems;
            var destinationItemIndex = itemsCollection.IndexOf(destinationItem);

            if (position == TreeViewDropPosition.Over)
                destinationItem.Items = destinationItem.Items ?? new List<BaseHierarchicalItem>();

            else if (position == TreeViewDropPosition.Before)
                itemsCollection.Insert(destinationItemIndex, sourceItem);
            else if (position == TreeViewDropPosition.After)
                itemsCollection.Insert(destinationItemIndex + 1, sourceItem);
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

    public static class BaseHierarchicalItemExtensions
        public static BaseHierarchicalItem FindRecursive(this List<BaseHierarchicalItem> storageItems, Func<BaseHierarchicalItem, bool> condition)
            for (int i = 0; i < storageItems?.Count; i++)
                var storageItem = storageItems[i];
                var matchedItem = storageItem.FindRecursive(condition);

                if (matchedItem != null)
                    return matchedItem;

            return default;

        public static BaseHierarchicalItem FindRecursive(this BaseHierarchicalItem storageItem, Func<BaseHierarchicalItem, bool> selector)
            if (selector(storageItem) == true)
                return storageItem;

            for (int i = 0; i < storageItem.Items?.Count; i++)
                var item = storageItem.Items[i];

                if (selector(item))
                    return item;
                    var childItem = item.Items.FindRecursive(selector);

                    if (childItem != null)
                        return childItem;

            return default;
    public class BaseHierarchicalItem
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Text { get; set; }
        public List<BaseHierarchicalItem> Items { get; set; }
        public bool HasChildren { get; set; }
        public bool HasItems => Items?.Count > 0;

Between Different TreeViews

When you drag and drop items from one instance of the TreeView to another, the OnDrop event fires for the TreeView where the item originally was.

@using System.Collections.ObjectModel

<TelerikTreeView @ref="@FirstTree"
        <TreeViewBinding TextField="Text" ParentIdField="ParentId" />

<TelerikTreeView @ref="@SecondTree"
        <TreeViewBinding TextField="Text" ParentIdField="ParentId" />

@code {
    public TelerikTreeView FirstTree { get; set; }
    public TelerikTreeView SecondTree { get; set; }

    public TreeViewObservableFlatDataService FirstTreeService { get; set; }
    public TreeViewObservableFlatDataService SecondTreeService { get; set; }

    public ObservableCollection<BaseFlatItem> FirstFlatData { get; set; }
    public ObservableCollection<BaseFlatItem> SecondFlatData { get; set; }

    protected override Task OnInitializedAsync()
        FirstTreeService = new TreeViewObservableFlatDataService("Item");
        SecondTreeService = new TreeViewObservableFlatDataService("Node");

        FirstFlatData = FirstTreeService.GetFlatItems();
        SecondFlatData = SecondTreeService.GetFlatItems();

        return base.OnInitializedAsync();

    private void OnDropFirst(TreeViewDropEventArgs args)
        var item = args.Item as BaseFlatItem;
        var destinationItem = args.DestinationItem as BaseFlatItem;

        if (args.DestinationTreeView != FirstTree)

            UpdateSecondTree(item, destinationItem, args.DropPosition);
            UpdateFirstTree(item, destinationItem, args.DropPosition);

    private void OnDropSecond(TreeViewDropEventArgs args)
        var item = args.Item as BaseFlatItem;
        var destinationItem = args.DestinationItem as BaseFlatItem;

        if (args.DestinationTreeView != SecondTree)

            UpdateFirstTree(item, destinationItem, args.DropPosition);
            UpdateSecondTree(item, destinationItem, args.DropPosition);

    private void UpdateFirstTree(BaseFlatItem item, BaseFlatItem destinationItem, TreeViewDropPosition dropPosition)
        if (dropPosition == TreeViewDropPosition.Over)
            SecondTreeService.AddChild(item, destinationItem);
        else if (dropPosition == TreeViewDropPosition.After)
            FirstTreeService.AddNextSibling(item, destinationItem);
        else if (dropPosition == TreeViewDropPosition.Before)
            FirstTreeService.AddPrevSibling(item, destinationItem);

    private void UpdateSecondTree(BaseFlatItem item, BaseFlatItem destinationItem, TreeViewDropPosition dropPosition)
        if (dropPosition == TreeViewDropPosition.Over)
            SecondTreeService.AddChild(item, destinationItem);
        else if (dropPosition == TreeViewDropPosition.After)
            SecondTreeService.AddNextSibling(item, destinationItem);
        else if (dropPosition == TreeViewDropPosition.Before)
            SecondTreeService.AddPrevSibling(item, destinationItem);
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;

    public class TreeViewObservableFlatDataService
        private string ItemText { get; set; }

        private ObservableCollection<BaseFlatItem> _observableFlatItems;

        public TreeViewObservableFlatDataService()
            ItemText = "Item";

        public TreeViewObservableFlatDataService(string text)
            ItemText = text;

        private ObservableCollection<BaseFlatItem> ObservableFlatItems
                if (_observableFlatItems == null)
                    _observableFlatItems = GenerateFlatItems(null, 0, ItemText);

                return _observableFlatItems;

        public ObservableCollection<BaseFlatItem> GetFlatItems()
            return ObservableFlatItems;

        public async Task<ObservableCollection<BaseFlatItem>> GetFlatItemsAsync()
            await Task.Delay(50);

            return GetFlatItems();

        private ObservableCollection<BaseFlatItem> GenerateFlatItems(Guid? parentId, int level, string parentName)
            var items = new ObservableCollection<BaseFlatItem>();

            for (var i = 1; i <= 4; i++)
                var id = Guid.NewGuid();
                var name = $"{parentName}{i}";

                var item = new BaseFlatItem()
                    Id = id,
                    ParentId = parentId,
                    HasChildren = level < 3,
                    Text = name


                if (level < 3)
                    foreach (var childItem in GenerateFlatItems(id, level + 1, name + "."))

            return items;

        public void AddChild(BaseFlatItem flatItem, BaseFlatItem parentFlatItem)
            // remove from the collection to assure last place in the collection

            flatItem.ParentId = parentFlatItem?.Id;

            // locate previous parent to toggle haschildren property
            if (parentFlatItem != null)
                parentFlatItem.HasChildren = true;


        public void AddPrevSibling(BaseFlatItem flatItem, BaseFlatItem siblingFlatItem)
            // remove node

            // add the node at the position of the sibling node
            AddSibling(flatItem, siblingFlatItem, 0);

        public void AddNextSibling(BaseFlatItem flatItem, BaseFlatItem siblingFlatItem)
            // remove node

            // add the node at the next position of the sibling node
            AddSibling(flatItem, siblingFlatItem, 1);

        private void AddSibling(
            BaseFlatItem flatItem,
            BaseFlatItem siblingFlatItem,
            int direction)
            // get parent of the sibling node
            var parentItem = ObservableFlatItems.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == siblingFlatItem.ParentId);

            // handle movement from another parent
            flatItem.ParentId = siblingFlatItem.ParentId;

            // insert the node at the place of the sibling item
            ObservableFlatItems.Insert(ObservableFlatItems.IndexOf(siblingFlatItem) + direction, flatItem);

        public void Remove(BaseFlatItem flatItem)
            // update the hasChildren state of the parent item of the source flat item that is dragged

            var parentFlatItem = ObservableFlatItems.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == flatItem.ParentId);

            if (parentFlatItem != null)
                var childItemsCount = ObservableFlatItems.Count(child => child.ParentId == parentFlatItem.Id);

                parentFlatItem.HasChildren = childItemsCount > 1;

    public class BaseFlatItem
        public Guid Id { get; set; }
        public Guid? ParentId { get; set; }
        public string Text { get; set; }
        public bool HasChildren { get; set; }

See Also

In this article