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Available for: Windows 8.1 | Windows Phone 8.1

BeginEdit Command

Provides an entry point just before the editing begins. The execution parameter is of type EditContext that exposes the following properties:

  • CellInfo: Gets the cell info associated with the operation.
  • TriggerAction: Gets the SourceTriggerAction value that triggered the operation.
  • Parameter: Gets an optional parameter holding additional information associated with the operation.

This example creates a class that inherits from the DataGridCommand and then adds it to the RadDataGrid.Commands collection

public class CustomBeginEditCommand : DataGridCommand
    public CustomBeginEditCommand()
        this.Id = CommandId.BeginEdit;

    public override bool CanExecute(object parameter)
        return true;

    public override void Execute(object parameter)
        var context = parameter as EditContext;

        // Executes the default implementation of this command
        this.Owner.CommandService.ExecuteDefaultCommand(CommandId.BeginEdit, context);

Here is the XAML declaration:

    <telerikGrid:RadDataGrid.Commands UserEditMode="Inline">
        <local:CustomBeginEditCommand />