Available for: Windows 8.1 | Windows Phone 8.1

Polar Axis

Special axis that is a fixed line in a polar coordinate system from which the polar angle is measured counter-clockwise. This axis is scaled to measure the radius of the points.


PolarAxis class inherits from the Axis class - See the inherited properties.

  • MajorStep (double): Gets or sets the major step between each axis tick. By default the axis will automatically calculate its major step, depending on the plotted data points.
  • Minimum (double): Gets or sets the minimum value of the axis. By default the minimum is 0.
  • Maximum (double): Gets or sets the maximum value of the axis. By default the axis will automatically calculate its maximum, depending on the maximum Value property of the plotted data points.
  • ActualRange (double min, double max): Gets the actual range used by the axis to plot data points.
  • IsInverse (bool): Gets or sets a value that specifies if the plot direction of the axis will be inverted.


Below is an example that demonstrates how to set some of the properties of a PolarAxis in RadPolarChart:

        <telerikChart:PolarAxis LabelInterval="2" MajorStep="2" Maximum="10" />
    <!-- other chart setup goes here -->