DateTime Axis
There are two types of axes that are used to visualize data with property of type DateTime.
DateTimeCategoricalAxis is a special axis that extends the CategoricalAxis class and adds notation for the System.DateTime structure. The axis works with the CategoricalSeries and expects each CategoricalDataPoint to provide a valid DateTime value as its Category. The GroupBy(Category) will use the part of the DateTime structure defined by the DateTimeComponent property. Once built, the groups are sorted in chronological order.
DateTimeCategoricalAxis class inherits from the CategoricalAxis class - See the inherited properties.
The following property is specific for the DateTimeCategoricalAxis:
DateTimeComponent: Defines the component of each DateTime structure that participates in the grouping process. The default value is Ticks meaning that all cmponents are taken into consideration. Here are all possible values:
Ticks, Year, Quarter, Month, Week, Hour, Minute, Second, Millisecond, Date, TimeOfDay, Day, DayOfWeek, DayOfYear.
DateTimeContinuousAxis is a special axis that extends the base CartesianAxis class and may be considered as a hybrid between a categorical and a numerical (linear) axis. DateTimeContinuousAxis works with categorical data but instead of categories, the axis builds time slots depending on its Minimum, Maximum and MajorStep values.
DateTimeContinuousAxis also expects valid System.DateTime values so that the data could be plotted correctly. Think of DateTimeContinuousAxis as a timeline where each data point has a certain position, depending on its DateTime value. The timeline range propertyes' values are automatically calculated if not set explicitly by the user: the default value of the major step is the smallest difference between any two DateTime values. Because this axis behaves like a numerical one, there might be empty time slots if no data falling into them is found.
DateTimeContinuousAxis class inherits from the CartesianAxis class - See the inherited properties.
The following properties are specific for the DateTimeContinuousAxis:
- Minimum (DateTime): The Minimum property defines the start value of the timeline. Specify DateTime.Minimum to clear the value and force the axis to determine it automatically, depending on the smallest DateTime value present.
- Maximum (DateTime): The Maximum property defines the end value of the timeline. Specify DateTime.Maximum to clear the value and force the axis to determine it automatically, depending on the biggest DateTime value present.
- MajorStep (double): The MajorStep property defines the user-defined step between two adjacent time slots. Specify double.PositiveInfinity to clear the value and make the axis calculate an automatic step, depending on the smallest difference between any two dates.
MajorStepUnit: The MajorStepUnit property defines what DateTime component the MajorStep property refers to.
The following code specifies 10 as MajorStep and TimeInterval.Month as MajorStepUnit:
<telerik:DateTimeContinuousAxis MajorStep="10" MajorStepUnit="Month"/>
MaximumTicks (int): The MaximumTicks property defines the axis ticks limit. This prevents slow rendering time in some corner cases where the axis range is big while the major step is small and huge amount of ticks might get generated. The default value is 31.
- GapLength (double): The GapLength property defines the distance (in logical units) between two adjacent time slots. The default value is 0.3. As an example, if you have two BarSeries combined in Cluster mode, you can remove the space between the bars by setting the GapLength property to 0.
PlotMode: The PlotMode property defines the strategy used to position data points along the axis time slots. Three
different options are available:
- BetweenTicks: Data points are positioned in the middle of the range defined between two adjacent ticks.
- OnTicks: Data points are positioned over each tick.
- OnTicksPadded: Data points are positioned over each tick with half step padding applied on both ends of the axis.