Locomotion Settings

Telerik XR Motions provides a LocomotionUserSettings scriptable object instance that may be used to specify the current movement mechanisms for the XR user.

Movement Settings

The following movement mode may be chosen as the active movement method:

  • Blink—instant teleportation to a specified point with specified view direction.
  • Fly through—teleportation to a specified point using a player transition animation.
  • Continuous Head—smooth locomotion movement in the direction of the player's head.
  • Continuous Hand—smooth locomotion movement in the direction of the active hand.

Rotation Settings

The following rotation modes may be chosen as the active turn around movement rotation method:

  • Off—no rotation will be executed.
  • Snap Turns—instant rotation at a specified angle in degrees. The angle is controlled by the Degrees Per Snap setting.
  • Continuous—smooth rotation. The speed is controlled by the Degrees Per Second setting.

Camera Effects

The following camera settings for the "Tunnel Vision" effect may be chosen to be activated during the motion actions:

  • Off—no tunnel vision effect will be rendered.
  • Rotation—the tunnel vision will be activated when rotating.
  • Rotation and Movement—the tunnel vision effect will be activated either during rotation or during motion.

The "Camera Fadeout" effect is activated when the movement mode is set to Blink. More information on these effects may be found in the Camera Effects documentation article.

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