Gestures Prefab

Several Telerik packages provide different predefined gestures that allow you to navigate in the XR scene or to interact with the scene's UI and 3D objects. The Telerik XR Integration package provides a Gestures prefab allowing you to quickly set up all of the available gestures with a simple drag and drop action inside the XR Rig root node.

For more information on the cross-platform approach for implementing the gestures mechanism by using the XR Rig Tracking Space nodes, see the Telerik XR Core documentation.

Motions Gestures

The following gestures are included in the Gestures prefab and are implemented in the Telerik XR Motions package. For more detailed information on locomotion and customization, see the XR Motions package documentation.

  • Joystick Move Gesture—allows you to execute smooth locomotion based on the user settings specified in the reference Locomotion User Settings scriptable object.
  • Joystick Turn Gesture—allows you to execute turn around motion based on the user settings specified in the reference Locomotion User Settings scriptable object.
  • Joystick Teleportation Gesture—allows you to activate the teleportation curve by moving the joystick forward, choose the teleportation target by moving your hand, and choose the teleportation view direction by rotating the joystick. This gesture inherits from TeleportationPointerSource, and to make it work you must add its reference either to the CurvedTeleportationPointer instance or to the Teleportation Pointer Sources section of a Pointers prefab. Further customizations may be done in the referenced Locomotion User Settings scriptable object.
  • Hand-L Teleportation Gesture—allows you to activate the teleportation curve with hand tracking by forming the letter "L" with your index and thumb fingers open. Moving the hand in this pose will move the curve and its teleportation target position. Closing the index finger like pressing a trigger will execute the actual teleportation action. This gesture inherits from TeleportationPointerSource and to make it work you must add its reference either to the CurvedTeleportationPointer instance or to the Teleportation Pointer Sources section of a Pointers prefab.

Interactions Gestures

The Gestures prefab also includes two instances of the TouchSurfaceVolumeGesture—one for the left and one for the right hand. To use these gestures in your scene, you must additionally reference them in the following components:

  • FingerPointer - this component is one of the pointers responsible for UI and 3D object interactions. It requires an instance of a TouchSurfaceVolumeGesture as it is using it for getting the touch surfaces available for close interactions.
  • PointersController - this component is at the root level in the pointers prefab and uses the TouchSurfaceVolumeGesture to manage the active state of the corresponding finger pointer.

For a sample setup of the components listed above, see the XR Rig Complete prefab structure.

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