IApplication Interface

Progress Software Corporation - Testing Framework 2018.1 Automation Infrastructure
Use the IApplication interface to manage a wrapped Silverlight application.

Namespace:  ArtOfTest.WebAii.Silverlight
Assembly:  ArtOfTest.WebAii (in ArtOfTest.WebAii.dll) Version: 2018.1.116.0 (2018.1.116.0)

public interface IApplication : IAutomationHost, 

The IApplication type exposes the following members.


Public propertyBounds
Gets the rectangular bounds of this app.
Public propertyDesktop
Gets the Desktop object for this app.
Public propertyEnableValidateMouseLocation
Whether to validate that the mouse will be within the application's bounds before performing a mouse action
Public propertyFind
Public propertyFriendlyName
A friendly name that represents this host.
(Inherited from IAutomationHost.)
Public propertyIsConnected
Checks if we're connected to the automation client
Public propertyIsRecordingHost
Public propertyManagedProxy
Gets the ManagedProxy for this app.
Public propertyPopups
Public propertyStateHashCode
Returns a hashcode that uniquely identifies the current content state of this host.
(Inherited from IAutomationHost.)
Public propertyTechnologyType
Get the technology type of the host
(Inherited from IAutomationHost.)
Public propertyUniqueId
Returns a unique id that identifies this host
(Inherited from IAutomationHost.)
Public propertyVisualTree
Gets the VisualTree of this app.

Public methodCapture
Return a bitmap of the host
(Inherited from IAutomationHost.)
Public methodCapture(FrameworkElement)
Captures the image of an element
Public methodElementFromPoint
Public methodEnsureElementClickable
Public methodEnsureStateIsCurrent
Force the automation host to be up to date. (i.e. RefreshDomTree in Html)
(Inherited from IAutomationHost.)
Public methodGetChildHosts
Return a list of child automation host that this host contains.
(Inherited from IAutomationHost.)
Public methodGetHostRoot
Return the root target element of this host.
(Inherited from IAutomationHost.)
Public methodGetScreenRectangle
Gets the rectangle of the element in screen coordinates
Public methodGetSubtreeFriendlyName
Gets a friendly name for the specified sub-tree of this IApplication
Public methodGetToolTipText
Gets the text of a tooltip on the element
Public methodLocateAllInHost
Find all target elements from the root of this host.
(Inherited from ISupportSearchHost.)
Public methodLocateInHost
Find a target element from the root of this host.
(Inherited from ISupportSearchHost.)
Public methodPopulateVisualTree
Ensures that the IApplication's visual tree is in a valid state
Public methodRefreshVisualTrees
Public methodResizeContainer
Resizes the browser or application window so its content rectangle is (x, y, width, height) if possible. If that rectangle doesn't fit on the screen, then try it at the upper left corner of the screen and as close to that size as possible.
Public methodScrollElementVisible
Scrolls a control into view
Public methodSetWindowFocus
Makes the window containing this host active
(Inherited from IAutomationHost.)
Public methodUpdateInterHostLinks
Ensures that any links between hosts are up-to-date (Infrastructure use only)
(Inherited from IAutomationHost.)
Public methodValidateMouseLocation
Validate the location of the mouse.
(Inherited from IAutomationHost.)
See Also
