React Report Viewer Overview
The current React Report Viewer version is
and should be used withReporting REST Service
orTelerik Report Server
You can integrate the React Report Viewer component in your React applications. Note that the viewer is introduced in R1 2022.
The React component is built on top of the HTML5 Report Viewer, which is the foundation for all Web-based report viewers as well.
To successfully integrate the React Report Viewer component, ensure the following:
Required Application Version:
- React 17.0.2+ application
Required Service:
- The viewer requires a running instance of Telerik Reporting REST Services in order to display reports. Make sure to enable Cross-Origin Requests (CORS) in the REST Service project.
Required JavaScript libraries:
The React Report Viewer package requires the following peer dependencies:
- react-dom 17.0.2+
- react-scripts 4.0.3+
- jquery
Required references to Telerik Kendo UI styles:
Browser Support
The React viewer is based on the HTML5 Report Viewer, thus the client browser should conform to the HTML5 Report Viewer Browser Support.