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Web Report Designer Open Shows "undefinedundefined" for All Files with Custom IDefinitionStorage


Product Progress® Telerik® Reporting
Report Designer Web Report Designer


When using a custom IDefinitionStorage, clicking Menu -> Open brings up the FileManager which displays the correct number of reports. However, all reports show "undefinedundefined" when you try to open them. The call to reports returns ["Report1.trdp", "Report2.trdp"], switching to the List layout display "NaN" for each report. When you click a report to open it, this closes the FileManager, but does not open the selected report.

Cause\Possible Cause(s)

The problem is caused when kendo.aspnetmvc.js is added. Once this script is included, in the convertRecords function of, the call to modelInstance._parse assumes that the properties are uppercase and returns undefined instead of the value.


You need to modify the translateAggregateResults function in the as follows:

function translateAggregateResults(aggregate) {
            var obj = {};
            // LSS: support for camel case serialization
            obj[(aggregate.AggregateMethodName || aggregate.aggregateMethodName).toLowerCase()] = (aggregate.Value || aggregate.value);
            return obj;
        function translateAggregate(aggregates) {
            var functionResult = {}, key, functionName, aggregate;
            for (key in aggregates) {
                functionResult = {};
                aggregate = aggregates[key];
                for (functionName in aggregate) {
                    functionResult[functionName.toLowerCase()] = aggregate[functionName];
                aggregates[key] = functionResult;
            return aggregates;
        function convertAggregates(aggregates) {
            var idx, length, aggregate;
            var result = {};
            for (idx = 0, length = aggregates.length; idx < length; idx++) {
                aggregate = aggregates[idx];
                // LSS: support for camel case serialization
                result[(aggregate.Member || aggregate.member)] = extend(true, result[(aggregate.Member || aggregate.member)], translateAggregateResults(aggregate));
            return result;
        extend(true,, {
            schemas: {
                'aspnetmvc-ajax': {
                    groups: function (data) {
                        return $.map(this._dataAccessFunction(data), translateGroup);
                    aggregates: function (data) {
                        data = data.d || data;
                        // LSS: support for camel case serialization
                        var aggregates = data.AggregateResults || data.aggregateResults || [];
                        if (!$.isArray(aggregates)) {
                            for (var key in aggregates) {
                                aggregates[key] = convertAggregates(aggregates[key]);
                            return aggregates;
                        return convertAggregates(aggregates);
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