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Telerik Reporting Missing in Visual Studio


Product Progress® Telerik® Reporting


Sometimes you are unable to add any Telerik Reporting items in Visual Studio. This article provides steps on how to solve this issue.

Cause\Possible Cause(s)

A possible reason for the issue can be that the Telerik Reporting and/or Telerik.CommonPackage extensions might be disabled or they are not installed.


You may experience the issue if you are running Visual Studio as an administrator, and the extension is installed by another user. In this case:

Go to the menu Tools-> Options -> Environment -> Extensions / Extensions and Updates, and check Load per user extension when running as administrator.

Visual Studio 2022

Occasionally, Visual Studio 2022 tends to fail to install properly the templates deployed in its \Common7\IDE folders. This is due to a specific Visual Studio service that fails to stop while the Telerik Reporting installer installs its project/item templates. As a result, the templates cache is never being refreshed and the new templates are not accessible in Visual Studio.

There are two solutions:

  1. Uninstall the current Telerik Reporting installation. Restart your machine. Install Telerik Reporting again.
  2. Using the Developer Command Prompt for Visual Studio 2022 (started as Administrator), type devenv.exe /installvstemplates. This should force Visual Studio to install the templates and invalidate the templates' cache.

Visual Studio 2019

Navigate to Extensions -> Manage Extensions. Under Installed, find the aforementioned extensions and mark them as Enabled.

If there aren't any Telerik extensions, locate the Telerik.Reporting.VsX.vsix under %programfiles(x86)%\Progress\Telerik Reporting [Version]\Bin\VS2019 and run it. It should install all necessary extensions.

Visual Studio 2017 and 2015

Navigating to Tools -> Extensions and Updates. Under Installed, find the aforementioned extensions and mark them as Enabled.

If there aren't any Telerik extensions, locate the Telerik.Reporting.VsX.vsix under %programfiles(x86)%\Progress\Telerik Reporting [Version]\Bin\VS2017 ( or 2015) and run it. It should install all necessary extensions.