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Sum Distinct Values


Product Progress® Telerik® Reporting


I have data where certain groups are, unfortunately, duplicated, resulting in an incorrect total when summing all of the data. For example, the following CSV:


When I use the normal =Sum( aggregate function, the total sum ends up being 80 because it does not take into account that the second group2 is a duplicate, and adds its total to the absolute total. How can I avoid this and get the correct total sum?


In order to ignore any repeated group values, we need to implement a custom aggregate function that keeps a list of all groups that we have already passed through so that any duplicate values are ignored. For example:

[AggregateFunction(Description = "Disctinct Sum Aggregate", Name = "DisctinctSumAggregate")]
class CustomSumAggregate : IAggregateFunction
    readonly List<string> coveredGroups = new List<string>();
    float sum;

    public void Accumulate(object[] values)
        // The aggregate function expects two parameters
        object groupObj = values[0];
        object totalObj = values[1];

        // null values are not aggregated
        if (null == groupObj || null == totalObj)

        if(coveredGroups.IndexOf(groupObj.ToString()) == -1)

            float.TryParse(totalObj.ToString(), out float total);

            // The actual accumulation
            this.sum += total;

    public object GetValue()
        return string.Format("{0:C}", this.sum.ToString());

    public void Init() {}

    public void Merge(IAggregateFunction aggregateFunction)
        CustomSumAggregate aggregate = (CustomSumAggregate)aggregateFunction;

        if (aggregate.sum > 0)
            this.sum += aggregate.sum;

Then, in the report definition, the function may be called with the following expression: = DisctinctSumAggregate(,

See Also

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