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Pass parameter value to MVC report viewer


Product Progress® Telerik® Reporting
Report Viewer HTML5 ASP.NET MVC


This article shows how to set the report source and report parameters from the controller in ASP.NET MVC project through a model. The attached project demonstrates the following approach:


  1. The report contains 2 report parameters- Parameter1 and Parameter2. The initial value of the first one is "Item1" and of the second one is "Value1".

  2. Add a new Model called ReportModel. It has 2 properties - a string which holds the ReportName and Dictionary for the parameters:

    public class ReportModel
        public string ReportName { get; set; }
        public Dictionary<string,object> Parameters { get; set; }
  3. Go to the HomeController.

  4. Add the Model namespace through a using.

  5. Change the ActionResult method of the page which contains the report viewer as follows:

    public ActionResult Index()
        Dictionary<string,object>values = new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "Parameter1", "Item2" }, { "Parameter2", "Value2" } };
        ReportModel reportModel = new ReportModel()
            ReportName = "SampleReport.trdp",
            Parameters = values
        return View(reportModel);
  6. Go to the page of the report viewer and add the model under the list with usings. For example:

    @model PassParameter.Models.ReportModel
  7. Change the ReportSource in the initialization of the report viewer as follows:

    .ReportSource(Model.ReportName, Model.Parameters)
  8. You can also query the report name and parameters in the URL by adding the following Action in the HomeController:

    public ActionResult Report(string id, string parameter1, string parameter2)
        Dictionary<string, object> values = new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "Parameter1", parameter1 }, { "Parameter2", parameter2 } };
        ReportModel reportModel = new ReportModel()
            ReportName = $"{id}.trdp",
            Parameters = values
        return View("Index", reportModel);

    Note that this is in case you use the default MapRoute : url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}". It can be found in App_Start/RouteConfig.cs or in Global.asax file in the MVC project. With another routing may not work this way. Then the URL might look: http://localhost:XXXXX/Home/Report/SampleReport?parameter1=Item3&parameter2=Value3

The demo application could be downloaded from here. Run the Upgrade Wizard before starting the application.

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