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The Reporting REST Service throws a "Unable to get parameters. Missing report name" error


Product Progress® Telerik® Reporting
Project Type HTML5 Application, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET WebForms
Report Viewer HTML5 Report Viewer


Rhe report viewer displays an error message saying that the report name is missing, although the report name is set in reportSource options in viewer definition. The message is displayed during the first request that tries to resolve the report, which is sent when the report parameters are loaded, that's why the error message starts with "Unable to get parameters".

Error Message

"Unable to get parameters. Missing report name"


This error is due to incorrect deserialization of the reportSource name. The cause is that the Newtonsoft.Json is targeting wrong .NET Framework. In our case study the Newtonsoft.Json.dll copied in the \bin folder was targeting .NET 2.0 but the required target framework is .NET 4.0+. Please note that the same version of the Newtonsoft.Json.dll can target different .NET Frameworks. Although the packages.config contains the correct target framework for Newtonsoft.Json package, the NuGet package manager fails to overwrite it. The solution is to delete the Newtonsoft.Json.dll manually and rebuild the solution, so the NuGet package manager will download the correct assembly.

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