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The report cannot be opened in the Standalone Report Designer


Product Progress® Telerik® Reporting


When you try to open the report, it throws the following error:

Telerik.Reporting.Xml.XmlSerializerExcepion: An error has occurred during xml serialization. The xml serializer cannot resolve type with name: Report. 


You may be trying to open a report that is created with a later Standalone Report Designer version. Each Telerik Reporting installation provides its own Standalone Report Designer application that is installed by default under [InstallDir]/Report Designer directory. The reports that are created in XML format are marked with a specific data schema and are saved with a .TRDP or .TRDX extension. You need to find the data schema (XML version) that is used for your Telerik Reporting version and replace the current schema in the report you are trying to open. All versions are available in the Upgrade articles.

See Also

How to: Identify the report definition schema version

XML Schema Versioning

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