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The report cannot be built and opened in Visual Studio Report Designer


Product Progress® Telerik® Reporting


CLR report (i.e. CS or VB type inheriting from Telerik.Reporting.Report) cannot be opened in the Visual Studio Report Designer.


  1. Run the Upgrade Wizard.
  2. Build the project.
  3. Resolve any errors and warnings for removed or obsolete properties by checking the Upgrade.

Changes in the Report Designer will automatically resolve obsolete code warnings in the report definition.

Before their complete removal, all obsolete types and properties are kept in Release History for several official releases. If an error which is related to a removed property or namespace occurs:

  1. Downgrade to an earlier Telerik Reporting version.
  2. Check the warnings of the project build.
  3. Handle the obsolete code warnings.
  4. Upgrade the project to the desired version without errors.
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