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The React Report Viewer Does Not Load


Product Progress® Telerik® Reporting
Project Type ReactJs Application
Report Viewer React


Loading a page with the React Report Viewer does not load the viewer, instead, there are errors in the browser console

Error Message


    Uncaught TypeError: perspectiveManager.dispose is not a function
    at Object.dispose (telerikReportViewer.js:9876:1)
    at TelerikReportViewer.dispose (telerik-report-viewer.js:345:1)
    at TelerikReportViewer.componentWillUnmount (telerik-report-viewer.js:237:1)
    at callComponentWillUnmountWithTimer (react-dom.development.js:22699:1)
    at safelyCallComponentWillUnmount (react-dom.development.js:22720:1)
    at commitDeletionEffectsOnFiber (react-dom.development.js:23948:1)
    at recursivelyTraverseDeletionEffects (react-dom.development.js:23813:1)
    at commitDeletionEffectsOnFiber (react-dom.development.js:23937:1)
    at recursivelyTraverseDeletionEffects (react-dom.development.js:23813:1)
    at commitDeletionEffectsOnFiber (react-dom.development.js:23988:1)

Cause\Possible Cause(s)

The React project uses StrictMode which is throwing errors because of how we dispose the report viewer on unmounting.

Suggested Workarounds

Until we resolve the problem internally, the error can be avoided by not using StrictMode on the TelerikReportViewer component:

import React from 'react';

function ExampleApplication() {
    return (
        <TelerikReportViewer ... />
            <ComponentOne />
            <ComponentTwo />

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In this article