Modify report physical width proportionally in the code behind
Product | Progress® Telerik® Reporting |
How to reuse a single report definition to print report documents on different printers having different paper widths instead of using dedicated report definitions for each width?
In such cases the report content can be adjusted to the new width programmatically to occupy the entire paper area and preserve the report layout. It is necessary to modify the width of the Report itself, its PaperSize, and all report items widths.
This can be done for example in the constructor of the report.
It is important along with Report width to update also the PaperSize settings. PaperKind should be updated to 'Custom' to be able to provide custom width. If PaperKind is set to some standard type, its standardized width will be respected in Print Preview mode.
The rest of the report items widths and locations can be set by iterating recursively through them. The sample code below stretches the report with a factor widthFactor = 1.5 :
public partial class Report1 : Telerik.Reporting.Report
public Report1()
// Required for telerik Reporting designer support
double widthFactor = 1.5;
private void SetReportWidth(double widthFactor)
// This will effectively resize each report section as well
this.Width *= widthFactor;
this.PageSettings.PaperKind = System.Drawing.Printing.PaperKind.Custom;
SizeU oldPaperSize = this.PageSettings.PaperSize;
SizeU newPaperSize = new SizeU(oldPaperSize.Width * widthFactor, oldPaperSize.Height);
this.PageSettings.PaperSize = newPaperSize;
this.UpdateItemWidthAndLocation(this, widthFactor);
private void UpdateItemWidthAndLocation(ReportItemBase reportItem, double widthFactor)
if (reportItem is ReportItem)
ReportItem item = (ReportItem)reportItem;
item.Width *= widthFactor;
Unit oldItemX = item.Location.X;
double xValue = oldItemX.Value * widthFactor;
Unit newItemX = new Unit(xValue, oldItemX.Type);
item.Location = new PointU(newItemX, item.Location.Y);
foreach (ReportItemBase item in reportItem.Items)
this.UpdateItemWidthAndLocation(item, widthFactor);