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Modify default Document Map and Parameter areas width in Html5 Report Viewer


Product Version and above
Product Progress® Telerik® Reporting
Report Viewer All Html5 Report Viewers


Sometimes it may be necessary to increase/decrease the default width of the Document Map and Parameters Area inside report viewer on initial load.


In the Telerik Html5 Report Viewer, we have added Kendo splitter to control the sizes of the viewer's areas. This enables the end-user to resize them using the pointing device. By default Document Map and Parameter areas have width 210px. This default/initial value is not configurable in our Html5 Viewers. As the Telerik Report Viewer uses Kendo UI widgets, the user could change the UI as desired through the corresponding Kendo widget settings and options.

To modify the Document Map or Parameter area width you may include the following code in the renderingEnd or pageReady event of the viewer :

var splitter = $("#reportViewerId").find(".k-splitter").data("kendoSplitter")

splitter.options.panes[0].size = "350px";// use array index 1 for Parameter area and 0 for Document Map area


The above code will resize the Document Map area to the wanted size (350px). To resize the Parameters area use index 1 (one).

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