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Missing Telerik menu in Visual Studio


Product Progress® Telerik® Reporting


The Telerik Menu cannot be found in Visual Studio. This may be due to Telerik Visual Studio Extensions being disabled.


  1. Open Visual Studio.
  2. Go to menu Tools - > Extensions and Updates... / for Visual Studio 2019 Extensions - > Manage Extensions
  3. Open the Installed tab on the left
  4. Search for Telerik Reporting Tools and make sure they are Enabled

Enable Telerik Reporting Tools in Visual Studio

If the above does not help solving your problem, please follow these steps to generate Visual Studio ActivityLog file before contacting our support:

  1. Open Developer Command prompt for Visual Studio 20xx under Administrative rights.
  2. Execute the following command that will start Visual Studio and create logs on your Desktop:

    devenv /log %userprofile%\desktop\ActivityLog.xml
  3. Reproduce the problem

  4. Attach the Activitylog files to the support ticket.
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