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Add a Choropleth Map to the Report with the Choropleth Wizard


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Product Progress® Telerik® Reporting Map Report Item Choropleth Map with the Choropleth Wizard Standalone Report Designer Visual Studio Report Designer


How can I add a Choropleth map to my report by using the Choropleth Wizard and the Standalone or the Visual Studio Report Designer?


To achieve the scenario:

  1. Run the Choropleth Wizard. As a result, the Map is added to the design surface.
  2. Click the Map to edit the properties of the selected elements in the Properties grid.

The next steps vary depending on whether you are using the Telerik Visual Studio Report Designer or the Standalone Report Designer tool.

Visual Studio Report Designer

To add a Choropleth map in the Visual Report Designer:

  1. Open the Visual Studio toolbox.
  2. From the Telerik Reporting tab, select the Choropleth Wizard.
  3. Click the design surface at the location where you want to place the upper-left corner of the map. As a result, the Choropleth Wizard opens.
  4. Follow the prompts from the Choropleth Wizard.
  5. When you click Finish, a new Map item will be created on the design surface and the Map will be rendered with the real data. The initial extent of the Map will depend on the data you are using.

Standalone Report Designer

To add a Choropleth map in the Standalone Report Designer:

  1. From the ribbon, open the Insert tab.
  2. Select the Choropleth item. As a result, the Choropleth Wizard opens.
  3. Follow the prompts from the Choropleth Wizard.
  4. When you click Finish, a new Map item will be created on the design surface and the Map will be rendered with the real data. The initial extent of the Map will depend on the data you are using.
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