Localization of reports based on report parameter and RESX files
Product Version | 12.1 18.516 |
Product | Progress® Telerik® Reporting |
Project Type | MVC |
Viewer | HTML5 MVC Viewer |
Visual Studio version | Visual Studio 2017 |
The following article explains how to create localizable reports according to report parameter containing the name of the culture for the specified localization resource. For example, to provide a localization resource for the German (de-De) culture, the corresponding resource file could be named: Resources.de-DE.resx.
Such application could be easily created following these steps:
- Create new ReportLibrary project that would contain the report and it's corresponding resource files.
- Configure new DataSource (for this example we are using CSVDataSourceWizard) which should contain two properties - Language (the names of languages) and Culture (their culture strings).
- Create two new report parameters for the report. The first will be for the Language, so map the csvDataSource as AvaliableValues of the parameter. Let DisplayMemeber be = Fields.Language and ValueMember - = Fields.Culture. Finally, set it's Visibility to True. The second report parameter will give information about the base path the resources are searched at (check the report viewer's initialization file - Index.cshtml, that demonstrates how to get current base path for web applications).
- Create Resource files with localized strings for each language according to report items values.
- Create new user function that will get the localized value of the report item, based on the chosen parameter value. For example:
public static string GetLocalizedText(string name, string cultureName, string basePath)
Dictionary<string, string> language;
if (languages.TryGetValue(cultureName, out language))
return language[name];
var filePath = new Uri(new Uri(basePath), string.Format("bin\\Resources.{0}resx", cultureName)).AbsolutePath;
filePath = Uri.UnescapeDataString(filePath);
var reader = new ResXResourceReader(filePath);
language = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (DictionaryEntry k in reader)
language.Add((string)k.Key, k.Value + string.Empty);
languages.GetOrAdd(cultureName, language);
return language[name];
- The function is then used in expression to visualize text in the report.
See Also
You can download the sample MVC application illustrating the behavior from here.