Implementing an EFCore IDefinitionStorage
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Project Type | ASP.NET Core |
Out of the box, Telerik Reporting offers the FileDefinitionStorage class which can be used to store the Web Report Designer report definitions in a local directory.
In certain cases, one may want to instead store the report definitions in a custom place, for example, a database. For this reason, we have exposed the IDefinitionStorage interface. By implementing this interface, one will be able to store the report definitions in any place, be it SQL or NoSQL database, Azure Blob Storage, etc.
In this article, we will demonstrate how the report definitions can be stored in a MSSQL Server database using Entity Framework Core.
The first step is to create Entity Framework Core models for the Report definitions and their Folders. These models will be used later to create database tables.
- CSharp
public class Report { [Column("Id")] [Required] [DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity)] [Key] public string Id { get; set; } [Column("Name")] [Required] public string Name { get; set; } [Column("Bytes")] [Required] public byte[] Bytes { get; set; } [Column("CreatedOn")] [Required] public DateTime CreatedOn { get; set; } [Column("ModifiedOn")] public DateTime ModifiedOn { get; set; } [Column("Size")] public float Size { get; set; } [Column("ParentUri")] public string ParentUri { get; set; } [Column("Uri")] public string Uri { get; set; } }
- CSharp
public class ReportFolder { [Column("Id")] [Required] [DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity)] [Key] public string Id { get; set; } [Column("Name")] [Required] public string Name { get; set; } [Column("ParentUri")] [Required] public string ParentUri { get; set; } [Column("HasSubFolders")] public bool HasSubFolders { get; set; } [Column("Uri")] public string Uri { get; set; } [Column("CreatedOn")] [Required] public DateTime CreatedOn { get; set; } [Column("ModifiedOn")] public DateTime ModifiedOn { get; set; } }
Next, we will create the custom
that the will be used for querying and saving the data from inside the definition storage implementation. Additionally, we can have ourReport
table created automatically:- CSharp
using CSharp.Net7.Html5IntegrationDemo.EFCore.Models; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; namespace CSharp.Net7.Html5IntegrationDemo.EFCore { public class SqlDefinitionStorageContext : DbContext { public DbSet<Report> Reports { get; set; } public DbSet<ReportFolder> ReportFolders { get; set; } public SqlDefinitionStorageContext(DbContextOptions<SqlDefinitionStorageContext> options) : base(options) { } protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder) { if (!optionsBuilder.IsConfigured) { var connenctionString = @"Server=.\SQLEXPRESS;Database=DefinitionStorage;Trusted_Connection=True;TrustServerCertificate=True;"; optionsBuilder.UseSqlServer(connectionString); } } } }
We will need to convert the data of the database model to the Telerik.WebReportDesigner.Services.Models, and for that reason, it will be handy to have an extension class handling those conversions for us. For example:
- CSharp
using System; using Telerik.WebReportDesigner.Services.Models; namespace CSharp.Net7.Html5IntegrationDemo.EFCore.Models { public static class DbModelExtensions { public static ResourceFileModel ToResourceFileModel(this EFCore.Models.Report dbReportModel) { if (dbReportModel == null) { return null; } return new ResourceFileModel() { FileName = dbReportModel.Name, ParentPath = dbReportModel.ParentUri, Uri = dbReportModel.Uri, Size = dbReportModel.Bytes.Length / 1024f, CreatedOn = dbReportModel.CreatedOn, ModifiedOn = dbReportModel.ModifiedOn, }; } public static ResourceFolderModel ToResourceFolderModel(this EFCore.Models.ReportFolder dbReportFolderModel) { if (dbReportFolderModel == null) { return null; } return new ResourceFolderModel() { Name = dbReportFolderModel.Name, ParentUri = dbReportFolderModel.ParentUri, HasSubFolders = dbReportFolderModel.HasSubFolders, CreatedOn = dbReportFolderModel.CreatedOn, ModifiedOn = dbReportFolderModel.ModifiedOn, Uri = dbReportFolderModel.Uri }; } public static EFCore.Models.ReportFolder ToDbReportFolderModel(this CreateFolderModel createFolderModel) { return new EFCore.Models.ReportFolder() { Name = createFolderModel.Name, ParentUri = createFolderModel.ParentUri, Uri = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(createFolderModel.ParentUri) ? createFolderModel.ParentUri : createFolderModel.ParentUri + "\\") + createFolderModel.Name, CreatedOn = DateTime.Now, ModifiedOn = DateTime.Now }; } public static EFCore.Models.Report ToDbReportModel(this SaveResourceModel saveResourceModel, byte[] data) { return new Models.Report() { Name = saveResourceModel.Name, Bytes = data, ParentUri = saveResourceModel.ParentUri, Uri = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(saveResourceModel.ParentUri) ? saveResourceModel.ParentUri : saveResourceModel.ParentUri + "\\") + saveResourceModel.Name, Size = data.Length, CreatedOn = DateTime.Now, ModifiedOn = DateTime.Now }; } } }
With all of the above prepared, we can now proceed with implementing the IDefinitionStorage interface:
- CSharp
using CSharp.Net7.Html5IntegrationDemo.EFCore; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Telerik.WebReportDesigner.Services; using Telerik.WebReportDesigner.Services.Models; using CSharp.Net7.Html5IntegrationDemo.EFCore.Models; using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection; using System; namespace CSharp.Net7.Html5IntegrationDemo { public class CustomDefinitionStorage : IDefinitionStorage { private SqlDefinitionStorageContext _dbContext { get; } public CustomDefinitionStorage(SqlDefinitionStorageContext context) { this._dbContext = context; } public Task<ResourceFolderModel> CreateFolderAsync(CreateFolderModel model) { if(this._dbContext.ReportFolders.Any(f => f.Uri == model.ParentUri + "\\" + model.Name)) { throw new ResourceFolderAlreadyExistsException(); } var entityEntry = this._dbContext.ReportFolders.Add(model.ToDbReportFolderModel()); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ParentUri)) { var parentFolder = this._dbContext.ReportFolders .FirstOrDefault(f => f.Uri == model.ParentUri); if (parentFolder != null) { parentFolder.HasSubFolders = true; } } this._dbContext.SaveChanges(); return Task.FromResult(entityEntry.Entity.ToResourceFolderModel()); } public Task DeleteAsync(string uri) { var report = this._dbContext.Reports .FirstOrDefault(r => r.Uri == this.PrepareResourceUri(uri)) ?? throw new ReportNotFoundException(); this._dbContext.Reports.Remove(report); this._dbContext.SaveChanges(); return Task.CompletedTask; } public Task DeleteFolderAsync(string uri) { try { var folderForDeletion = this._dbContext.ReportFolders.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Uri == uri); var parentUri = folderForDeletion.ParentUri; if (folderForDeletion != null) { DeleteFolder(folderForDeletion); this._dbContext.SaveChanges(); var subFoldersCount = this._dbContext.ReportFolders.Count(f => f.ParentUri == parentUri); if (subFoldersCount > 0) { var parentFolderName = parentUri.Split("\\").Last(); var parentFolder = this._dbContext.ReportFolders.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name == parentFolderName); if(parentFolder != null) parentFolder.HasSubFolders = false; this._dbContext.SaveChanges(); } return Task.CompletedTask; } return Task.FromException(new ResourceFolderNotFoundException()); } catch (Exception) { throw; } } public Task<byte[]> GetAsync(string resourceName) { var reportBytes = this.GetDbReportModel(this.PrepareResourceUri(resourceName))?.Bytes; return reportBytes == null ? throw new ReportNotFoundException() : Task.FromResult(reportBytes); } public Task<ResourceFolderModel> GetFolderAsync(string uri) { // it is not necessar to implement this one var folder = this._dbContext.ReportFolders.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Uri == uri); return folder == null ? throw new ResourceFolderNotFoundException() : Task.FromResult(folder.ToResourceFolderModel()); } public Task<IEnumerable<ResourceModelBase>> GetFolderContentsAsync(string uri) { uri = (uri ?? string.Empty); var reps = this._dbContext.Reports .Where(r => r.ParentUri == uri) .Select(r => r.ToResourceFileModel()).AsEnumerable<ResourceModelBase>(); var folders = this._dbContext.ReportFolders .Where(f => f.ParentUri == uri) .Select(f => f.ToResourceFolderModel()).AsEnumerable<ResourceModelBase>(); var result = folders.Union(reps); return Task.FromResult<IEnumerable<ResourceModelBase>>(result); } public Task<ResourceFileModel> GetModelAsync(string uri) { return Task.FromResult( this.GetDbReportModel(uri) .ToResourceFileModel()); } public Task<ResourceFileModel> RenameAsync(RenameResourceModel model) { string oldName = model.OldUri.Split("\\").Last(); var report = this._dbContext.Reports.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Uri == this.PrepareResourceUri(model.OldUri)); if (report != null) { report.Name = model.Name; report.Uri = report.Uri.Replace(oldName, model.Name); report.ModifiedOn = DateTime.Now; this._dbContext.SaveChanges(); return Task.FromResult(report.ToResourceFileModel()); } throw new ResourceNotFoundException(); } public async Task<ResourceFolderModel> RenameFolderAsync(RenameFolderModel model) { var folder = this._dbContext.ReportFolders.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Uri == model.OldUri); if (folder != null) { await RenameFolderAndSubFolders(folder, model); folder.ModifiedOn = DateTime.Now; this._dbContext.SaveChanges(); return folder.ToResourceFolderModel(); } throw new ResourceFolderNotFoundException(); } public Task<ResourceFileModel> SaveAsync(SaveResourceModel model, byte[] resource) { var entity = this._dbContext.Reports.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Uri == model.ParentUri + model.Name); if (entity != null) { entity.Bytes = resource; entity.ModifiedOn = DateTime.Now; this._dbContext.SaveChanges(); return Task.FromResult(entity.ToResourceFileModel()); } var entityEntry = this._dbContext.Reports.Add(model.ToDbReportModel(resource)); this._dbContext.SaveChanges(); return Task.FromResult(entityEntry.Entity.ToResourceFileModel()); } string PrepareResourceUri(string resourceName) { resourceName = (resourceName ?? string.Empty); resourceName = resourceName.Replace("/", "\\"); return resourceName; } EFCore.Models.Report GetDbReportModel(string uri) { if (_dbContext.Reports.Any()) { return this._dbContext.Reports.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Uri == uri); } return null; } void DeleteReportsInFolder(ReportFolder folder) { var reports = this._dbContext.Reports.Where(r => r.ParentUri == folder.Uri).ToList(); if (reports.Count > 0) { reports.ForEach(r => { this._dbContext.Reports.Remove(r); this._dbContext.SaveChanges(); }); } } void DeleteFolder(ReportFolder folder) { DeleteReportsInFolder(folder); var subfolders = this._dbContext.ReportFolders.Where(f => f.ParentUri == folder.Uri).ToList(); this._dbContext.ReportFolders.Remove(folder); if (subfolders.Count == 0) { return; } foreach (var subfolder in subfolders) { DeleteFolder(subfolder); } } async Task UpdateReportParentUriAfterFolderRename(string oldName, RenameFolderModel model) { await this._dbContext.Reports.ForEachAsync(r => { if (r.ParentUri.Contains(model.OldUri)) { r.Uri = r.Uri.Replace(oldName, model.Name); r.ParentUri = r.ParentUri.Replace(oldName, model.Name); } }); } async Task RenameFolderAndSubFolders(ReportFolder folder, RenameFolderModel model) { string oldName = model.OldUri.Split("\\").Last(); await UpdateReportParentUriAfterFolderRename(oldName, model); folder.Name = model.Name; folder.Uri = folder.Uri.Replace(oldName, model.Name); if (!folder.HasSubFolders) { return; } await this._dbContext.ReportFolders .Where(f => f.ParentUri.Contains(model.OldUri)) .ForEachAsync(f => { f.Uri = f.Uri.Replace(oldName, model.Name); f.ParentUri = f.ParentUri.Replace(oldName, model.Name); }); } } }
In order to be able to preview the reports stored in the database, the IReportSourceResolver interface also has to be implemented. Since we already have the
, that will be pretty straightforward:- CSharp
public class CustomReportSourceResolver : IReportSourceResolver { private SqlDefinitionStorageContext _dbContext { get; } public CustomReportSourceResolver(SqlDefinitionStorageContext context) { this._dbContext = context; } public ReportSource Resolve(string uri, OperationOrigin operationOrigin, IDictionary<string, object> currentParameterValues) { var reportPackager = new ReportPackager(); var report = this._dbContext.Reports.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Uri == uri.Replace("/", "\\")); if (report == null) { throw new FileNotFoundException(); } MemoryStream stream = new(report.Bytes); Telerik.Reporting.Report report1 = (Telerik.Reporting.Report)reportPackager.UnpackageDocument(stream); var instanceReportSource = new InstanceReportSource { ReportDocument = report1 }; return instanceReportSource; } }
The custom
defined above will be sufficient for most scenario, however, when there areSubReports
inserted in the report or when theNavigateToReport
action is triggered, the engine will try to resolve those reports using the defaultReportDocumentResolver
which will try to resolve them by URI. That won't work in our case because the reports are stored in the database, thus, we need a custom implementation that may look as follows:- CSharp
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; using SqlDefinitionStorageExample.EFCore; using System; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using Telerik.Reporting; using Telerik.Reporting.Services; namespace SqlDefinitionStorageExample { public class CustomReportDocumentResolver : IReportDocumentResolver { public IReportDocument Resolve(ReportSource reportSource) { // The main report is wrapped in an InstanceReportSource by CustomReportSourceResolver if (reportSource is InstanceReportSource) { return (reportSource as InstanceReportSource).ReportDocument; } // the subreport is resolved in the context of the main report SubReport else if (reportSource is UriReportSource) { var reportPackager = new ReportPackager(); var uri = (reportSource as UriReportSource).Uri.Replace(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, string.Empty); var optionsBuilder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<SqlDefinitionStorageContext>(); // It is necessary to initialize a new dbContent because this code will be executed in a new thread using SqlDefinitionStorageContext dbContext = new(optionsBuilder.Options); var report = dbContext.Reports.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Uri == uri) ?? throw new FileNotFoundException(); MemoryStream stream = new(report.Bytes); return reportPackager.UnpackageDocument(stream); } return null; } } }
Lastly, the ReportDesignerServiceConfiguration should be set to use the
class as well as theCustomReportSourceResolver
and theCustomReportDocumentResolver
:- CSharp
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args); // Add services to the container. builder.Services.AddControllers(); builder.Services.AddRazorPages() .AddNewtonsoftJson(); // Add the custom resolvers and storages builder.Services.AddDbContext<SqlDefinitionStorageContext>(); builder.Services.AddScoped<IDefinitionStorage, CustomDefinitionStorage>(); builder.Services.AddScoped<IReportSourceResolver, CustomReportSourceResolver>(); builder.Services.AddScoped<IReportDocumentResolver, CustomReportDocumentResolver>(); var reportsPath = Path.Combine(builder.Environment.ContentRootPath, "..", "..", "..", "..", "Report Designer", "Examples"); // Configure dependencies for ReportsController. builder.Services.TryAddScoped<IReportServiceConfiguration>(sp => new ReportServiceConfiguration { // The default ReportingEngineConfiguration will be initialized from appsettings.json or appsettings.{EnvironmentName}.json: ReportingEngineConfiguration = sp.GetService<IConfiguration>(), // In case the ReportingEngineConfiguration needs to be loaded from a specific configuration file, use the approach below: //ReportingEngineConfiguration = ResolveSpecificReportingConfiguration(sp.GetService<IWebHostEnvironment>()), HostAppId = "SqlDefinitionStorageExample", Storage = new FileStorage(), // Using the custom resolver implementations ReportSourceResolver = sp.GetRequiredService<IReportSourceResolver>(), ReportDocumentResolver = sp.GetRequiredService<IReportDocumentResolver>() }); // Configure dependencies for ReportDesignerController. builder.Services.TryAddScoped<IReportDesignerServiceConfiguration>(sp => new ReportDesignerServiceConfiguration { DefinitionStorage =sp.GetRequiredService<IDefinitionStorage>(), ResourceStorage = new ResourceStorage(Path.Combine(reportsPath, "Resources")), SharedDataSourceStorage = new FileSharedDataSourceStorage(Path.Combine(reportsPath, "Shared Data Sources")), SettingsStorage = new FileSettingsStorage(Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), "Telerik Reporting")) }); var app = builder.Build(); using (var serviceScope = app.Services.CreateScope()) { serviceScope.ServiceProvider .GetService<SqlDefinitionStorageContext>() .Database .EnsureCreated(); }
Since there will be no data in the database, initially, the ReportNotFoundException will be thrown a couple of times, you can safely Continue
until you see the Web Report Designer loaded with no report. At this point, you can now create a new report from the main menu.
One way to avoid this would be to, manually, insert a sample report when the application is started if the database table for the reports is empty. For this, the following extension class ReportsInitializer
can be created:
- CSharp
public static class ReportsInitializer
public static WebApplication Seed(this WebApplication app)
using var scope = app.Services.CreateScope();
var context = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<SqlDefinitionStorageContext>();
try {
if (!context.Reports.Any())
var saveResourceModel = new SaveResourceModel()
Name = "SampleReport.trdp",
ParentUri = string.Empty
var reportBytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(pathToSampleReport);
var entity = saveResourceModel.ToDbReportModel(reportBytes);
return app;
catch (Exception)
The operation can be triggered in the initialization of the application, for example, in Program.cs
- CSharp
// Add initial data to database