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Images Missing when Opening DOCX Reports in OneDrive


Product Version and older
Product Progress® Telerik® Reporting
Rendering Format Word Document


When I export a report that contains an image to DOCX with the Reporting version R2 2023 SP1 or older, the image may not be displayed when the Word document is kept on OneDrive.

Error Message

The linked image cannot be displayed. The file may have been moved, renamed, or deleted. Verify that the link points to the correct file and location.


Microsoft has deprecated some previously supported tags in the OpenXML.

With R3 2023 ( we started replacing these tags in the reports rendered in OpenXML formats - PictureBox item uses DrawingML instead of VML in OpenXML rendering extensions.

Here is what the XML generated for an image embedded in the OpenXML looks like in:

  • R2 2023 SP1 and before:
<w:pict><v:image style="width:108pt;height:51pt" xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"><v:imagedata cropleft="-0.5794312" croptop="0" cropright="-0.5794313" cropbottom="0" r:pict="Rb91251125dcc43d0" xmlns:r="" /></v:image></w:pict>
  • R3 2023 and later:
<w:drawing><wp:inline xmlns:wp=""><wp:extent cx="1368000" cy="647999" /><wp:docPr id="2" name="" /><a:graphic xmlns:a=""><a:graphicData uri=""><pic:pic xmlns:pic=""><pic:nvPicPr><pic:cNvPr id="2" name="" /><pic:cNvPicPr /></pic:nvPicPr><pic:blipFill><a:blip r:embed="R6f68189fed5f4494" xmlns:r="" /><a:srcRect l="-57943" t="0" r="-57943" b="0" /><a:stretch><a:fillRect /></a:stretch></pic:blipFill><pic:spPr><a:xfrm><a:ext cx="1368000" cy="647999" /></a:xfrm><a:prstGeom prst="rect" /></pic:spPr></pic:pic></a:graphicData></a:graphic></wp:inline></w:drawing>


To fix the problem you need to use our latest version R3 2023 ( as we switched to the supported tags starting from this version.

See Also

In this article